8:40 AM

[8:32:31 AM] Starting Tuesday, the White Knight began the process of "moving" into place
the collateral for the 8 new currencies they added last Friday to the basket of currencies "revaluing" against the current, but on life-support, U.S. dollar before it is replaced during the U.S. Financial Announcement. "Moving" into place does not necessarily involve the physical transfer of, say, gold bullion from location A to location B, other than, possibly, within the confines of one of the world's several repositories/bunker -warehouses. In most cases, the owners of the asset in question (e.g., a precious metal...) sell it which results in title to it being transferred to the new owner, who/which then pledges it to back (collateralize, if you prefer...) a currency. Naturally, that resulting paperwork must be certified to be genuine (as opposed to having been counterfeited...) and then filed with the International Court of Justice at The Hague.
This process was to finish today in time for the new exchange rates for the 25 currencies to appear on front-office ForEx trading screens early enough today for the remaining 1st Five trading programs' document packages to be delivered today.
the collateral for the 8 new currencies they added last Friday to the basket of currencies "revaluing" against the current, but on life-support, U.S. dollar before it is replaced during the U.S. Financial Announcement. "Moving" into place does not necessarily involve the physical transfer of, say, gold bullion from location A to location B, other than, possibly, within the confines of one of the world's several repositories/bunker -warehouses. In most cases, the owners of the asset in question (e.g., a precious metal...) sell it which results in title to it being transferred to the new owner, who/which then pledges it to back (collateralize, if you prefer...) a currency. Naturally, that resulting paperwork must be certified to be genuine (as opposed to having been counterfeited...) and then filed with the International Court of Justice at The Hague.
This process was to finish today in time for the new exchange rates for the 25 currencies to appear on front-office ForEx trading screens early enough today for the remaining 1st Five trading programs' document packages to be delivered today.
The White Knights became aware that some (more than one, but I don't know how many...) of our funding banks (which had to have demonstrated Basel III compliance in order to qualify to have money transferred-in from Vancouver 6 - 8 weeks ago...) were now out of compliance. Why? So that their senior management could, as they had done for years - until recently - could hypothecate our money and trade the resultant loan proceeds for their benefit. Had those banks remaining Basel III compliant, their hypothecation would have become apparent in real time. Therefore, and with malice aforethought, they obfuscated their illegal activity by not reporting as Basel III accord's regulations require. Moreover...
When confronted, the baking criminals/banksters were defiant! The took the position that, since Basel III had not be proclaimed in the USA, they needn't be bound by it and, until that happened, they'd just keep on hypothecating our money and trading the loan proceeds they lent themselves and each other!! That's classic Illuminati arrogance. In response...
The White Knights designated tomorrow as Delivery Day 1. Delivering to 70% of the Big PrOgram's Hallelujah recipients (the names in the database that Bill Wilson kept for Clyde Hood...) remedies the sole deficiency that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission discovered when it audited the Wilson database (the "Kodosky" database was out of the SEC's reach, having been kept "overseas"...). Do you remember the nature of the deficiency? Regardless...
While delivering the remaining 1st Five trading programs' document packages remedies that deficiency, it doesn't simply allow the White Knights to broadcast the U.S. Financial Announcement. It compels them to by the end of the next business day unless Delivery Day 1 is a Friday, in which case, the Announcement must be made before the next business day.Naturally, the Announcement includes the proclamation of the Basel III banking accord in the USA, thereby taking the wheels forcibly off the banksters' Little Red Wagons and mandating a Basel III compliance audit starting on Monday. That audit will identify the persons participating in the many instances of hypothecation and the associated trading, which will result in their immediate removal for cause and replacement. Basel III's coming formally into effect in the USA this weekend will result in mandatory real-time compliance, which will allow the U.S. Treasury to identify any non-compliance as it happens.
Because there's no way to accurately forecast precisely how long it will take to grab these recalcitrant banks by the scruff of their necks and institute compliance,
The White Knights became aware that some (more than one, but I don't know how many...) of our funding banks (which had to have demonstrated Basel III compliance in order to qualify to have money transferred-in from Vancouver 6 - 8 weeks ago...) were now out of compliance. Why? So that their senior management could, as they had done for years - until recently - could hypothecate our money and trade the resultant loan proceeds for their benefit. Had those banks remaining Basel III compliant, their hypothecation would have become apparent in real time. Therefore, and with malice aforethought, they obfuscated their illegal activity by not reporting as Basel III accord's regulations require. Moreover...
When confronted, the baking criminals/banksters were defiant! The took the position that, since Basel III had not be proclaimed in the USA, they needn't be bound by it and, until that happened, they'd just keep on hypothecating our money and trading the loan proceeds they lent themselves and each other!! That's classic Illuminati arrogance. In response...
The White Knights designated tomorrow as Delivery Day 1. Delivering to 70% of the Big PrOgram's Hallelujah recipients (the names in the database that Bill Wilson kept for Clyde Hood...) remedies the sole deficiency that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission discovered when it audited the Wilson database (the "Kodosky" database was out of the SEC's reach, having been kept "overseas"...). Do you remember the nature of the deficiency? Regardless...
While delivering the remaining 1st Five trading programs' document packages remedies that deficiency, it doesn't simply allow the White Knights to broadcast the U.S. Financial Announcement. It compels them to by the end of the next business day unless Delivery Day 1 is a Friday, in which case, the Announcement must be made before the next business day.Naturally, the Announcement includes the proclamation of the Basel III banking accord in the USA, thereby taking the wheels forcibly off the banksters' Little Red Wagons and mandating a Basel III compliance audit starting on Monday. That audit will identify the persons participating in the many instances of hypothecation and the associated trading, which will result in their immediate removal for cause and replacement. Basel III's coming formally into effect in the USA this weekend will result in mandatory real-time compliance, which will allow the U.S. Treasury to identify any non-compliance as it happens.
Because there's no way to accurately forecast precisely how long it will take to grab these recalcitrant banks by the scruff of their necks and institute compliance,
we may not be able to access the first tranche of either or trading profits or Fines & Penalties money until Tuesday or, perhaps, Wednesday. Even if there were no money in the envelope that will be delivered (don't worry, there is some, but I don;t know how much...)
tomorrow, I could quite happily wait until Wednesday, if need be, having received my legal title to my share of the Big PrOgram's pay out.
Kindly note that today's White Knight response is very different that what we had to become familiar before last Friday's Day of Profound Loss of Face changed the White Knights' decision-making team or woke it up to reality. They were honorable men, but were too naive to compete with their (and our...) street-fighting opponents. Their unworkable position seems definitely to have been abandoned. The WKs in charge last week would never have made this tactical - and workable - change. Thank God/Goddess/All That Is/ The Force that current White Knight cadre has some street smarts and has demonstrated that its members can adapt and has adapted!
More later, as news and/or other circumstances warrant. It's 5:39 PM PDT on Thursday, 30 May, 2013. Copyright � 1996 � 2013, all rights reserved. }
Kindly note that today's White Knight response is very different that what we had to become familiar before last Friday's Day of Profound Loss of Face changed the White Knights' decision-making team or woke it up to reality. They were honorable men, but were too naive to compete with their (and our...) street-fighting opponents. Their unworkable position seems definitely to have been abandoned. The WKs in charge last week would never have made this tactical - and workable - change. Thank God/Goddess/All That Is/ The Force that current White Knight cadre has some street smarts and has demonstrated that its members can adapt and has adapted!
More later, as news and/or other circumstances warrant. It's 5:39 PM PDT on Thursday, 30 May, 2013. Copyright � 1996 � 2013, all rights reserved. }