"Be The Change, Be the Light"
Now, let us resume our teachings to help you all step into the glorious 'I AM' Presence, which is your True Being.
There are background philosophies and teachings which add to the struggle and have not been quite so pervasive and homogeneous across cultures as they are today. As we have told you in the past, We do not use punishment as a way of shaping behavior. That is a Human invention, brought to your thinking and actions by the Fallen Ones, whose purpose it was, to stifle and suppress joy and independence. We wish to see you grow and flourish, not learn to be obedient out of fear.
So, you see, the term “obedience” as it is understood today, is not what we’re after, as you might say. It might be more helpful to address the issue of learning to abide by Universal Law, if we use the terms “alignment,” willing participation, acceptance of a higher level of energy, or recognition of one’s highest power, which is God. We do not wish to threaten or manipulate anyone into submission. That would be useless, meaningless, because it is the alignment of your heart, your inner intentions which matters. Any decision made out of fear is not in alignment with God.
Some of you have wondered why we discuss “politics” here in these messages. You think it would be better if we just sent you loving and encouraging remarks which will inspire you. Of course, we do that elsewhere through dedicated channelers who bring messages of love and inspiration, and do it well. Here we wish to accomplish a different purpose. You have become so lulled into accepting the status quo, especially in the “developed” countries of the world, that you are unaware of the underlying travesty of justice which deliberately creates poverty, ignorance and want.
With this in mind, scan the activities of your culture and notice how pervasive is the Crime and Punishment mentality. Everywhere you look there are security measures, police presence, rules in place to demand obedience to the most trivial and whimsical requirements which are designed to suppress individuality and enforce loyalty to authority, regardless of the legitimacy of that authority.
Many of you have learned to believe the propaganda messages which blame the most vulnerable among you for their “failure” to prosper. You have been taught the Punishment model which says that anyone not achieving according to the societal standard is guilty of laziness, selfishness and sloth and should therefore be punished for their lack of character by being deprived of assistance from those who have more than they do. This is the thinly veiled propaganda which has justified the monumental greed of the Dark Ones who have siphoned off the resources and wealth, leaving everyone else to compete for the crumbs.
Yes, even those who work for financially successful firms and who have been used to large salaries (and long hours) have been co-opted by this propaganda. The race to accrue more money has made everyone slaves to the corporate entities which hide the true identity of the thirteen families who have succeeded in controlling 85% of the planet’s wealth. By “inviting” their loyal employees into sharing a tiny portion of their booty, they have seduced good people into joining the ranks of slavery. Without these hard-working lackeys, the ones in power could not maintain and expand their iron grip on the world markets and therefore the world’s great wealth.
This is why we alert you in these messages to what needs to be done. Around the globe, enlightened individuals are working to expose these insidious power structures. The Disclosure Hearings in Washington D.C. were just the most recent public effort to awaken the masses to the secrecy which has suppressed information which would allow citizens to make their own decisions about how to conduct their affairs with regard to life-changing new technologies and contact with ET’s who have shown themselves to be peaceful.
Absolute control of the sources of information is not “security” - it is tyranny. The light is beginning to dawn on many that it has not been the elected government which initiated this secrecy, but that they have played into the hands of those with the real power - the shadow government which has never been elected or even acknowledged.
Now - here is our proposal to you.
Now, let us resume our teachings to help you all step into the glorious 'I AM' Presence, which is your True Being.
There are background philosophies and teachings which add to the struggle and have not been quite so pervasive and homogeneous across cultures as they are today. As we have told you in the past, We do not use punishment as a way of shaping behavior. That is a Human invention, brought to your thinking and actions by the Fallen Ones, whose purpose it was, to stifle and suppress joy and independence. We wish to see you grow and flourish, not learn to be obedient out of fear.
So, you see, the term “obedience” as it is understood today, is not what we’re after, as you might say. It might be more helpful to address the issue of learning to abide by Universal Law, if we use the terms “alignment,” willing participation, acceptance of a higher level of energy, or recognition of one’s highest power, which is God. We do not wish to threaten or manipulate anyone into submission. That would be useless, meaningless, because it is the alignment of your heart, your inner intentions which matters. Any decision made out of fear is not in alignment with God.
Some of you have wondered why we discuss “politics” here in these messages. You think it would be better if we just sent you loving and encouraging remarks which will inspire you. Of course, we do that elsewhere through dedicated channelers who bring messages of love and inspiration, and do it well. Here we wish to accomplish a different purpose. You have become so lulled into accepting the status quo, especially in the “developed” countries of the world, that you are unaware of the underlying travesty of justice which deliberately creates poverty, ignorance and want.
With this in mind, scan the activities of your culture and notice how pervasive is the Crime and Punishment mentality. Everywhere you look there are security measures, police presence, rules in place to demand obedience to the most trivial and whimsical requirements which are designed to suppress individuality and enforce loyalty to authority, regardless of the legitimacy of that authority.
Many of you have learned to believe the propaganda messages which blame the most vulnerable among you for their “failure” to prosper. You have been taught the Punishment model which says that anyone not achieving according to the societal standard is guilty of laziness, selfishness and sloth and should therefore be punished for their lack of character by being deprived of assistance from those who have more than they do. This is the thinly veiled propaganda which has justified the monumental greed of the Dark Ones who have siphoned off the resources and wealth, leaving everyone else to compete for the crumbs.
Yes, even those who work for financially successful firms and who have been used to large salaries (and long hours) have been co-opted by this propaganda. The race to accrue more money has made everyone slaves to the corporate entities which hide the true identity of the thirteen families who have succeeded in controlling 85% of the planet’s wealth. By “inviting” their loyal employees into sharing a tiny portion of their booty, they have seduced good people into joining the ranks of slavery. Without these hard-working lackeys, the ones in power could not maintain and expand their iron grip on the world markets and therefore the world’s great wealth.
This is why we alert you in these messages to what needs to be done. Around the globe, enlightened individuals are working to expose these insidious power structures. The Disclosure Hearings in Washington D.C. were just the most recent public effort to awaken the masses to the secrecy which has suppressed information which would allow citizens to make their own decisions about how to conduct their affairs with regard to life-changing new technologies and contact with ET’s who have shown themselves to be peaceful.
Absolute control of the sources of information is not “security” - it is tyranny. The light is beginning to dawn on many that it has not been the elected government which initiated this secrecy, but that they have played into the hands of those with the real power - the shadow government which has never been elected or even acknowledged.
Now - here is our proposal to you.
You have the resource of the internet to inform you. Do not believe the propaganda which would deter you from researching the truth by disparaging anything which appears on the internet. It is your source of freedom and individual power. Begin by reading everything linked to the Disclosure Hearings and the people who have worked so hard to bring the light of truth in your behalf. Go to the Freedom Club site and read about the illegal corporation which is the United States, and how citizens have been used as “human capital” as collateral for loans from private banks.
Our own Jesus Sananda, is working with attorneys and activists to open the secret files, to show that the illegitimate structures which now exist need not be followed or obeyed. Laws which use Human Beings as chattel, are not legal under Universal Law, which is the highest level of order in the Universe. Just as no State has the power to overrule Federal law in the United States, no Country on the Planet has the power to rewrite or supersede Universal Law. Educating yourself and those around you is part of the important work which will elevate the Planet to a Higher Order.
In that context, we hope to convince all of you to claim your part in this magnificent Shift, which will affect every facet of every life on the Planet. Freedom is a concept which applies to every part of you - your Spiritual, Intellectual and Physical State of Being. Living within an oppressive Political system (which is now the case everywhere on the Globe) restricts the practice of freedom in every other area of life. Yes, we begin with your Spiritual development and growth. This is most crucial and most under your independent control, but “Spirituality” is not simply a state of mind; it is a way of life.
Many of you have the example of your dear St. Germain, who has been a tireless advocate for Political freedom for centuries. This is his Spiritual work, his contribution to the freedom of mind, body and Soul for all of Humankind. He does not work alone; he is in constant contact with the Lightworkers who help to carry out the activities which guard and promote freedom. It has been a gradual process, one which has been carried out mostly behind the scenes in isolated situations where limited help was permitted. This has changed. With the Ascension of Planet Earth and her movement toward membership in the Galactic Federau alwaysre open participation from the Galactics (including our Masters and Archangels) has been possible.
Can you now see how “Political,” “Material” and “Spiritual” help are One? All of Us, all of you, are aligned with the same Source, the same Light and Love which is the 'I Am' Presence. You are made of the spark of God, You breathe as We breathe; You are the expression of our Love, there in your Human body, which is our Precious Creation, just as your Soul is. The joining of this body with the Soul you are, is a wondrous combination of the qualities which make up the One. Look around you. Even the most humble, defeated Being, carries our Spark of Life within. Reach out to your fellow Sparks. Show them you recognize the Light within them, just as you recognize and celebrate your own.
Above your head is the Energy Source of Universal Presence. It is there for you to connect with and use. As you absorb the Light of the 'I AM' Presence, you will be filled with Love. This is the meaning and the quality of God, which is available to every one of you, every moment you live. With this Source to feed and nourish you, you will never feel alone or bereft. Even if you were to find yourself without companion or support for a time, you will not be lonely; We are here with you always. Come into our arms - feel our embrace. We are aware of your every thought and your every need. We will teach you more about how to adapt your thinking and actions to Universal Law so that you will always be in alignment with the Greater Good, and therefore with your own Good.
Begin by breathing in the 'I AM' Presence which pours down through you. Accept it, revel in it, and know this is your destiny - to be One with Us.
We are Mother/Father God.
Via Kathryn May, May 27, 2013, 3 pm.
www.BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannelPanel Wednesday nights, 8:30 EDT
Our own Jesus Sananda, is working with attorneys and activists to open the secret files, to show that the illegitimate structures which now exist need not be followed or obeyed. Laws which use Human Beings as chattel, are not legal under Universal Law, which is the highest level of order in the Universe. Just as no State has the power to overrule Federal law in the United States, no Country on the Planet has the power to rewrite or supersede Universal Law. Educating yourself and those around you is part of the important work which will elevate the Planet to a Higher Order.
In that context, we hope to convince all of you to claim your part in this magnificent Shift, which will affect every facet of every life on the Planet. Freedom is a concept which applies to every part of you - your Spiritual, Intellectual and Physical State of Being. Living within an oppressive Political system (which is now the case everywhere on the Globe) restricts the practice of freedom in every other area of life. Yes, we begin with your Spiritual development and growth. This is most crucial and most under your independent control, but “Spirituality” is not simply a state of mind; it is a way of life.
Many of you have the example of your dear St. Germain, who has been a tireless advocate for Political freedom for centuries. This is his Spiritual work, his contribution to the freedom of mind, body and Soul for all of Humankind. He does not work alone; he is in constant contact with the Lightworkers who help to carry out the activities which guard and promote freedom. It has been a gradual process, one which has been carried out mostly behind the scenes in isolated situations where limited help was permitted. This has changed. With the Ascension of Planet Earth and her movement toward membership in the Galactic Federau alwaysre open participation from the Galactics (including our Masters and Archangels) has been possible.
Can you now see how “Political,” “Material” and “Spiritual” help are One? All of Us, all of you, are aligned with the same Source, the same Light and Love which is the 'I Am' Presence. You are made of the spark of God, You breathe as We breathe; You are the expression of our Love, there in your Human body, which is our Precious Creation, just as your Soul is. The joining of this body with the Soul you are, is a wondrous combination of the qualities which make up the One. Look around you. Even the most humble, defeated Being, carries our Spark of Life within. Reach out to your fellow Sparks. Show them you recognize the Light within them, just as you recognize and celebrate your own.
Above your head is the Energy Source of Universal Presence. It is there for you to connect with and use. As you absorb the Light of the 'I AM' Presence, you will be filled with Love. This is the meaning and the quality of God, which is available to every one of you, every moment you live. With this Source to feed and nourish you, you will never feel alone or bereft. Even if you were to find yourself without companion or support for a time, you will not be lonely; We are here with you always. Come into our arms - feel our embrace. We are aware of your every thought and your every need. We will teach you more about how to adapt your thinking and actions to Universal Law so that you will always be in alignment with the Greater Good, and therefore with your own Good.
Begin by breathing in the 'I AM' Presence which pours down through you. Accept it, revel in it, and know this is your destiny - to be One with Us.
We are Mother/Father God.
Via Kathryn May, May 27, 2013, 3 pm.
www.BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannelPanel Wednesday nights, 8:30 EDT
Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250
Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250
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