Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

Dinar/VND Intel 5/13/13



[vegaspete] I have a contact in the xxxxxxxxxx group and I don't mean like us.  he just told me that the VND rv'd today and at rate of $3 and some cents. I don't know the acutal rate but I do know it rv'd

[sandytob] vegaspete can we go to a bank with vnd and exchange?

[vegaspete] the only thing holding up the IQD is the paper work and that is getting completed as we speak

[pastored] this is is is going to happen folks

[1biz4u] vegaspete when do we go to the bank then? lol

[vegaspete] That's what I asked. I am going to make a ton of calls

[Andrin] vegaspete that's awesome!!

 [burk50] Vegaspete that s nice so when can we ce ? Pray ur Arn't joking

[MtnStar] vegaspete but the VND isn't showing that - do you know where they saw that?
blackjon] vegaspete no it did not sry if it did 3/4 of the ppl in this room would be out partying

[vegaspete] the IQD is going to be in the $11 range and the group rate is going to make you go thru your whole box of depends

 [burk50] Blackjon well we didn't know that's why ,lol

[KajunRedBull] vegaspete Take a step back because blackjon is correct AND There will be NO CHANCE of anyone Double Dipping..They will come out for rv together.imho

 [vegaspete] It will be released at the same time

[burk50] Vegaspete can u double ck?

[jetpack] Sry no way vnd will be over $3 IMHO

[jetpack] Love be wrong tho

[vegaspete] i just got home from work and my mom comes home from a lunch meeting about you know what and came home running into the house telling me it RV'D

[KajunRedBull] blackjon if that were true I assure you my banker would not have a peaceful dinner until he took care of me! :

[burk50] Jet pack with God everything's possible Amen

[vegaspete] I have no reason to lie to you all or make stuff up. this is just what I was told by some very credible people

[KajunRedBull] vegaspete and we thank you for sharing!

[jetpack] vegaspete praying you r right

 [1biz4u] vegaspete we believe you, praying we see the fruits of it today! Lol

[okrocks] vegaspete appreciate your sharing, are you able to reconcile it in your mind as to how this will play out?

[jyburt] just checked and still can be purchased but i also know it will be on sale till about ten minutes before it rv

[jetpack] vegaspete so when will u have confirmation ??

 [spiritfilled] Robertprofessor di you just see the post from vegaspete ??

[vegaspete] One doctor asked me if I cashed out and I was like….. what?

[Andrin] vegaspete when will it show to us lil people lol

[blackjon] vegaspete do you own VND ?

[vegaspete] blackjon yes I do

[jetpack] vegaspete 3? Who other two ? Tks

[vegaspete] They told me the vnd is in the $3 range and the dinar is in the $11 range and that the group rate is going to knock you out cold. I won't say it because you all will think I am in the mental ward

[pastorart] vegaspete I will take it thanks

[jetpack] vegaspete so when r they saying would show public ?

[1biz4u] vegaspete thanks and great news!!

[keiji] vegaspete ty....please share more when you get it..

[vegaspete] I am just as shocked as you all. Again I am not making stuff up or trying to hurt anyone

[vegaspete] it will be public as soon as the paperwok on the dinar is done. Don't know why it wouldn't be done. I mean come one how long as this dragged out, ahaha

[1biz4u] vegaspete I agree with that! Imo

 [burk50] Vegaspete what paperwork needs to get done? Thx

[vegaspete] have faith it has happend and all we are waiting for is th go ahead and that's this week

[vegaspete] I didn't get a lot of answers. I got some info via text and on a call. I hope to ask more questions later

[jetdemon] vegaspete Thanks!!!

[vegaspete] again, I was told by three sources of which are very credible souces, two are doctors told me the the vnd rv'd today and that only the last bit of paperword being done othe IQD is all and that we will be at the banks this week

burk50] Vegaspete well u brightened my day and the castle wow thx for sharing


[b ray] any truth to Senators and ETC cashing in this past weekend?

[Robertprofessor] b ray How can the RV happen without the US?

 [b ray] Robertprofessor, it can't , too big of a player in this

 [Robertprofessor] b ray I don't think so either, but I do see that the Chinese, Russians and others could hit us very hard financially to put pressure on.

[Jeff] Robertprofessor what would be the substitution effect then if there is no consumerism besides the USA?

 [nolaspice] Jeff can you say that again to me in english - like 3rd grade english to be more specific

[Robertprofessor] Jeff It would hurt the Chinese in the reverse ... it's a world wide economy now.

 [Jeff] Robertprofessor there you go

 [Jeff] Thus the proposed financial hit would be worse for them not us, that is unless they have a clandestine middle class ready to buy like the USA consumer market

 [b ray] Robertprofessor, I can believe O trying to get a tax on all foreign currency exchange, wouldn't surprise me , if Senators and such cashed in before take law went into effect , but a Jester keeps saying , everything is changing to be " Republic" and this could be the last chance to take advantage

[b ray] Of any banking

[Robertprofessor] Jeff One caution from the history books: the USSR had major trade agreements with Nazi Germany, much raw material moved west and Stalin thought he had some safety for a few years anyway ... but June, 1941 proved how wrong that was.

[texascamper] b ray If I remember, we discussed the sentor issues last year

 [Robertprofessor] b ray I understand what you're saying and yes, I think it has merit.

[Robertprofessor] Jeff One caution from the history books: the USSR had major trade agreements with Nazi Germany, much raw material moved west and Stalin thought he had some safety for a few years anyway ... but June, 1941 proved how wrong that was.

[texascamper] b ray If I remember, we discussed the sentor issues last year

 [Robertprofessor] b ray I understand what you're saying and yes, I think it has merit.

 [Jeff] Robertprofessor yes but that is a communistic model dictated through a forced open market economy that cannot work in alignment with the Adam Smith economic model. Free Markets and Socialism are like an engine without oil eventually you have a rock for a motor.

 [b ray] Puppylove, I've done some checking and I've learned tons of things, I just have tried to educate myself ,when the time comes on what to do, not worried about Senators and such, they could care less about anyone else

[Robertprofessor] Jeff Very good, and you're correct. WW2 was a clash between two titans, two totalitarian states that despised each other.

[puppylove] b ray good deal!

[Jeff] Robertprofessor eventually the "every chicken in a pot" formula was a biased campaign that led to eoconomic malise and control over the German people

 [Jeff] Ok brain is sweating....Robertprofessor actually made me think darn him LOL

[Robertprofessor] Jeff I thought the German economy was still gearing up for total war in 1944 ... I've wondered what Hitler might have accomplished if he had avoided military warfare and gone solely after economic warfare.

Jeff] Robertprofessor He would have destroyed european commerce in the short term, long term he would have been putrified in the reverse as then the European countries would have colluded against him, thus in my view there still would have been a war. Outcome same Dictators die and their people suffer

burk50] Waited 10 yrs to get button pushed,Now 2 weeks after button was pushed ! Where r we really? Thx

 [b ray] burk50, I thought it was pushed April 1 ,,

[cashinqueen1] burk50 waiting to push the next button rofl

 [Jeff] Robertprofessor Free markets and Free society coupled to a Republic equals TYPICALLY a free economic playing field

[Robertprofessor] Jeff The point is academic anyway because Hitler was bent on war no matter what.

[Jeff] Robertprofessor agreed

[Robertprofessor] Jeff I see what's taking place now is the world demanding a free, level economic playing field and the US is wanting to keep the field tilted to its advantage.

 [Jeff] Robertprofessor Exactly

[Robertprofessor] Jeff Added to this problem is that when I say US, I don't mean "We the People." That's an even bigger issue.

[Jeff] Robertprofessor When the free market system is tilted to benefit only the few you are right.

[oldrichguy2b] Just got on and saw a few comments. We no longer have Capitalism in this country. We have Corporatism, a system by which big Corportations are in bed with corrupt polititions and they take care of one another at the expense of We the People. This system is the same one that Mussalini set up in Italy

[cashinqueen1] Since this purchase of Dinars 3 years ago i have gotten more education on world event than i did in 16 years of school rofl


[Sarge] DrRod So basically what we/you have to do is look out for ourselves.. they won't.

[DrRod] "IF" the politicians were able to exchange their IQD before us, it's because they didn't want to be obligated to the potential tax liability. I'm not a tax expert, but seems reasonable to me that they would exchange under some tax law, while we wait...

DrRod] It seems that there are many out there who never wanted for this thing to be public... Some may even think that there is a world group which controls all the wealth... might be true.

[DrRod] This RV should have taken place several years ago... I guess we have heard enough from all of the intel providers that everything is ALL DONE. Makes you wonder if everything is done why we aren't rich? People in power are holding this back, plain and simple.

[Dee1031] DrRod can you give me a good reason why they would hold it up?

 [DrRod] Dee1031 greed and power.

[DrRod] Dee1031 Remember they never wanted you to have this much money.

[Dee1031] I think that Iraq is just not ready yet and all the info we are getting is speculation and some lies. JMO

 [DrRod] Dee1031 You may be somewhat correct about IRAQ, but Iraq is not calling the shots.



[xyz] finally confirmation ....

[xyz] Breaking News … Talabani will appear in media outlets, says Kurdish MP Monday, 13 May 2013 17:55 Baghdad (AIN) -MP, Muhsin al-Sadoun, of the Kurdistani Alliance revealed that the President, Jalal Talabani, will soon appear in the media outlets. Speaking to All Iraq News Agency (AIN), he said “Talabani, according to the latest information from his doctor who confirmed the improvement of his health condition, will appear in the media outlets soon.” “Regarding replacing Talabani, this issue is related to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan where it is responsible for this post,” he concluded.

xyz] Economic parliamentary demanding quick action to stop the rise in the dollar exchange rate

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