Kamis, 06 Juni 2013


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Posted By: IZAKOVIC [Send E-Mail]
Date: Thursday, 6-Jun-2013 12:06:51

Partial transcript:

- For example in1995 Obama started up the Chicago New Party which was a total communist organization, and then since then other things have gone even his book that he wrote in 2006 called “The Audacity of Hope” on page 261 he said “I will stay with Muslims should the politic wind shift”. So this made me focus more on him...
…the advance I have in my book, there are quite few of them that parallel scriptures. For example:
- in chapter 24 I have dedicated the whole chapter to psalm 36124, and I thought that this is very, vrery pertinent because of the fact that this describes Obama and all of his associates, and I can preamp this by telling You that in the corporal world people have a tendency when they hire for certain position, they hire in their own self image...
...I would like to say that lot of his associations and Obama itself, they have, what I call, a translucent personality. Its kind like a frosted shower door that you look at outside, and you cannot see anything else. But if you were to get in the core of the door you would start to understand the character of the people involved, so getting on the other side from the core then you see what they are really like. Lot of politicians have this kind of personality when they have an agenda they want to hide...
...the policy of John Brennan was his only policy he wants to ban the US military...
...this is executive order 13490 and section 6, he said that he will not hire anybody who did not have the expertize, did not have the affiliation with their particular position. Well, unfortunaly, none of them had any experience in position that he put them in to....
...one of the speeches that was most troublesome to me was January 18, 2010, when he was in Cairo, Egypt. He was on a show called “Round Table” which is on Nile TV. He had said, and I quote: “I swear I am a Muslim”. He said “My father was a Muslim, my step-father was a Muslim, my half brother is a Muslim...”
… after he said “My half brother is a Muslim”, this is a key part, he said “I ma loyal to the Muslim agenda”. Now I think that everybody knows what that is. If you don't let me tell you. Destroy Christianity, destroy America, destroy Israel...
...From my research, and my insight, it appears that Obama is supplying the “rebels” with weapons, just as he was giving a lot of equipment, airplanes, Abrams tanks, and all kinds of things to Egypt when he knew that Muslim Brotherhood would, eventually, take over, he did that after they took over, but before took over, he gave 1.5 billion $ to help them along their cause...
...when he went over to Saudi Arabia he bowed before King Abdul ben ...and he had the reason to bow before him...
...The reason he had to bow before the King of Saudi Arabia is because the Muslim faith is centered in Saudi Arabia, and Muslims bow before the leader of Muslim faith. Now, President Obama has sid “I did not bow when I met the head of Saudi Arabia”. Well, you can actually see the video … on the web and you can actually see Barack Hussein Obama bending almost 90 degrees down before the King of Saudi Arabia which of course is demeaning to the office to the Presidency of USA. But what he in essence said was “I Barack Obama demean the United States and submit it to the authority of Saudi Arabia..”...
...The reason why he did that was not just because he is a Muslim, and he wanted to show his respect as he said in speech in Cairo... But to cover his action with king Abdul...he also bowed to the Japanese Emperor, and he also bowed to the major of Palm Beach Florida. This was all to cover his action with king Abdul because of the fact that king Abdul is the part and parcel to an organization of which Suleman Abdul Aziz Alragi who is worth 5.3 billion $ controls the Al-Barack Group which is Islamic banking center, and also, he is tied into an organization called the … fundation in Lebanon which has 12 people on board which of every one of them are terrorist...
...So Obama was bowing to him because of the financial hook in this whole thing...And I have proved in my research that the group that has 20 Saudi billioneries...
...This group is called “Golden Chain”. They were started in Harden Virginia many years ago. This is the group that gets the money, billions of $, and Obama was financed by them to the toon of 200 billion. When everybody was saying they did not know where he got his money I knew because I did the research. It was an individual by the name Dan Worth, he was an American, he was also an Muslim, his Islamic name was Halid al-Mansuri at the university of Baghdad, he is very close to the king, he was the advisor, he is one that got the money to Obama...
...Everyone of Obama's friends, he has friend by the name of Hany Secura who is one of the heads of North American Muslim Brotherhood. He also has Ali abu-Neamal who is the head of American Action Network in Chicago Illinois. Ali abu-Neamal was writing an article very discouraging and very anti-Semitic about Israel. So what Obama did say to him at 2008 during election? He said “Keep the good work”...
...His agenda is not hard to figure out. His agenda is he would probably try to run for third term in 2016....
...I know my information is correct because 4 month before my first book was published I got a death threat, which is called fatwa, from Faisal Abdul Mohamed. I've got more since then...
...al-Said who is a head of American Muslim Alliance. This individual has a very powerful group that helps promote Muslims in political favor at the local state and federal government. He got Larry Allison as well as Larry Show who is one of the speakers for the CAIR.
I've got Said say that he want a Muslim President by 2020... They actually want to take our country over...
...What has to happen is that the government has to be supplemented with an esoteric form to put a lot of devoted Muslims in key positions of our government.
The second thing is that they would have to have an overriding majority of votes by Muslim.
If this is the case you can look at Obama's appointees and federal government. He has appointed so many people that are devoted Muslims in key positions that they could have en effect in taking on our federal government...
…Lets take a look at Homeland Security. Everybody talks about Napolitano.
She is nothing more than figurehead for that organization. September 5, 2009, Obama appointed Carim Chapa and … Khan and later he appointed David Hay Mnister Secretary, all devoted Muslims, every one of them...They were appointed to the Homeland Security Advisory Council that sets all the policy for Homeland Security....
… 13498 was executive order that had to do with US Commissioner of International Religious Freedom. He brought Imam Tali Idan for that specific purpose. And he knew at the time that Imam Id was for jihad. He was also for the Muslim World Legae of which he admitted...
…Hillary Clinton, she had 3 terrorist friends. You can look at campaign contributions that were made by 2 political figures. One of them is Jakub Mursa and the other one is Omar Ashrad. This two held fund raiser for Hillary Clinton in 2006 and 2007. There is another person involved with them. This persons name is Jasen Caidi. Jasen Caidi is one of financiers of Al-Quaida.
So, what we are looking at is a long term relationship Bill Clinton, same with him. He had a Bill Clinton library. He was given money from, or his library, from Foram Gehidi. Foram Gehidi is the person that have a group called Al-labi. This is Muslim charity again who was connected to Mely Bank, Maly Bank is the front for Iranian nuclear program which is tied into ASE corporation...
...So therefore we can look forward to someone that wants to use tyranny to try to intimidate the people like he is trying to do with 14 governors now including governor Polentey as governor Perry. His issue of National Security letters to them. These governors are instrumental in spearheading a program what he want a self defense organizations comprised of military personal in their states in case something happens. Well, Obama send National Security letters to them saying that “If you do not remove those people, I will charge you with treason”...
...You won't hear about these 14 governors that had National Security letters put out on them...You won't hear about 800 Viper Teams that Obama released on February 22 which, incidently, is Washington's birthday. And Viper Teams preceding being released on February 22 they killed 2 people that were … supporters of constitution gun rights. One of them was Matt Redcliff and the other one was Brian Nordesco, I believe that is his name. So, they were killed.
So, the Viper Teams are basically put out to suppress the views and people who want to go forward and of high profile enough to influence the rest of the country and taught....
...We know where he was born. He was not born in Hawaii. 19 days after the election came about the President … and … who is the member of parliament and also the ambassador from Kenya to US … said on … radio in Michigen, they said that Obama was born in Kenya and everybody in Kenya knows it. And this was further pointed out in Sunday Standard news paper...
...When you look at Obamacare this thing will be a train wreck. There are certain sections in Obamacare that come to life.
One of those sections is 2701 and that I believe is will full felony or if people do not get into this program and pay the money then he says that they go to prison for 5 years and be fined 25.000 $. The other section is 2703. 2703 is the will full miss demaner for you have to pay 2.5% out of this program. If you do not do that you go to prison for 1 year and are fined for 5.000 $...
...Obama has excluded every single Muslim. And the reason for it is that Muslim cannot take part in program that has to do with insurance because they look at that as a form of gambling... I understand that members of Congress are excluded as well...
Disclaimer: Due to audio quality and inadequate knowledge of spoken language, above translation, names of physical persons and titles of legal entities are only indicative. For their exact meaning please listen to audio.

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