In ancient accounts of ancient cultures and races, we have hundreds of accounts of a world flood and a strange man who saved a small remnant of the human race and animals of various types on earth and carried them to safety in a large boat until the world flood was over. As the old saying goes, "When there is enough smoke, there is usually a fire also!" With all these ancient accounts reporting there was once a world flood, there is very likely also truth hidden behind these ancient legends of mankind. And evidence in Siberia and in the Arctic strongly points to there was once a world flood for real, but the science courses in the schools keep quiet on this evidence showing that the Bible gave us a real historical account of a world flood back in B.C. In fact, frozen animals from ancient times at these locations indicate this world flood was just a few thousand years ago, not millions of years ago!
In preparation for the building of my planned Camelot Project, I collected over the years a huge collection of science and engineering references and enough to rebuild human civilization with from scratch. I also have a large collection of Christian references but a smaller collection than the scientific and engineering. I also have books in other fields that would enrich the pool of knowledge for this planned Camelot community.
Engineering hybrids of plants as man has done over the centuries when done with common sense does not have to be a bad thing to do. However, when we mess with the genes of plants and add alien genes to them that were never intended to be there according to the plan of God, it is my frank evaluation that we are playing with deadly fire and the potential biological annihilation of the human race on earth. America has a strong culture of death now and has forgotten moral standards and ethics in the transformation of society into a totally pagan, barbarian society. I have believed that technology could be good for mankind when man remains the master over any technology created or engineered over time. I have also believed that technology could be evil for mankind when man is made the subject or slave of technology instead of its master. Technology is a tool made by the scientific side of the human mind that can be used for good or evil, so moral ethics is important as to why technology is developed from scratch to serve or else to enslave mankind. When we want national leaders who stand for the mass murder of babies as called abortion, we already have said that we want national leaders without a moral conscience. The next step is easy. We explain why we must as "mercy killing" kill off senior citizens who cost too much in medical care. And under endless tongue-in-cheek "interpretations" of law since legal integrity no longer exists in national law, the right to keep and bear arms does not exist any longer in the U.S. Bill of Rights. The churches are taken over by Wash., D.C. as to what they are allowed to say or do under the legal front of "tax exemption" which makes makes Wash., D.C. head of Christianity instead of Jesus Christ. We have no U.S. Bill of Rights nor U.S. Constitution now as that stands in the way of moral corruption and willful rebellion against God in all ways we can think of as mankind on earth.
When the American people decided that they did not want decent, moral God-fearing leaders as leaders of government, they brought in the other side which are those leaders who hate all the moral values America was founded upon as a nation. The people have not figured this out yet, but these same evil leaders they now elect to public office also hate the American people who they hold in great personal contempt. These evil leaders with no morals, no scruples, no love of the American people nor America as a nation, work with the most evil elements in society that they can find. They are trying to protect Monsanto Chemical Co. and allies from getting legally investigated or stopped from genetically modifying food with animal genes and all other sorts of monster gene technology which we call GMO foods today. I enclose a few photos later in this report to show the monsters created by altering genes with animals experimented with. The same monster gene technology has been used on food plants that you eat regularly and trust that Wash., D.C. under Satanic leaders and allies will protect you from moral monsters who are using biological warfare to set up the potential end of most or else all of mankind on earth. Look at the work of these moral monsters and what they have done with animals with legal protection by Wash., D.C. so they could create these Frankenstein monsters from animals that God had created for our earth. Research testimony that I had access to indicates a willful plan to get rid of most of mankind through GMO foods legally protected and pushed by the authority of Wash, D.C. under very evil leaders in control.
American people, you have to pass the Omni Law to get some honest leaders in charge in Wash., D.C. who can turn the tide before GMO foods will apparently destroy the American people forever and America as a nation forever. I haven't had the time to trace it out thoroughly but it appears that this GMO food technology has been evolved from prior Nazi genetic research and Nazi-type mentality wanting to get rid of the "biologically undesirables" of society meaning the ordinary American citizens and ordinary citizens of other nations on earth. I have been told by several sources that many of the super rich now carry their own kitchens with them when they travel as they will not eat in restaurants our food now but only that which is safe and not-GMO. I am proposing to set up a world food industry in America, but I will buy wheat from abroad instead of America if I find federal policy in America trying to sell me GMO wheat. I believe this very deadly and will not allow my customers in America or abroad to eat GMO based food from me. If Wash., D.C. does not straighten out, I could be forced to set up this world food industry abroad instead of in America with giant economic damage to the American economy possible from losing this giant industry which may well become the biggest industry in American history. I will not be any part of an evil plan of Wash., D.C. to kill off much or most of the human race on earth.
The results of Washington disloyalty to the American people is already bringing in the harvest of the apparent soon biological collapse of the American people and nation if the brakes are not applied immediately in America. This problem is not just American, but worldwide according to scientific reports from abroad but America is pushing the biological collapse of the American people through Wash., D.C. The magazine UTNE Reader in a brutally frank basically scientific report in their May, June 2013 issue outlined the pending biological collapse of the American people and with the world not sounding like following too far behind On their cover to their magazine they said, "Save Our SPERM!" On page 8, their article begins, 'THE END OF MALE. FERTILITY IS AT AN ALL-TIME LOW-ARE CHEMICALS TO BLAME?" By Zak Stone, from Tomorrow Magazine at www.tomorrowthemag.com . An interesting item among many items in this report is that animals suffering from the same biological collapse as humans are starting to experience now due to poisoning, etc. from our society also had for the first time even homosexual and lesbian tendencies which never showed up before when they were biologically more healthy as animals. The bi-sexual drive started among the animals from our poisoned environment was the preliminary red flag warning from nature that their species of animal was likely soon to collapse and cease to reproduce as a species.
Besides being so important to good health, my father's Vatican endorsed super health bread also according to university tests then was the greatest food ever discovered to maintain fertility in humans or restore fertility apparently where lost. The university tests then predicted the coming biological collapse and end of the human race on earth if my father's food product was not introduced into the American and world diet in time. In 1992, in a world study of 61 studies from around the world concluded that the average sperm concentration had declined by nearly 50% over a 50-year period. And this trend downwards is predicted not going to stop worldwide.
So pass this report around all over America and might as well pass it around across the world as this report may well decide whether the human race survives or else ends up extinct like the dinosaurs which once roamed the earth but no longer exist on the earth.
It is years since I read it but in my huge collection of Christian books from all sides of Christianity, one had an interesting angle to it which maybe clues us in what to expect if we don't stop this GMO food drive protected and pushed by Wash., D.C. I can't guarantee that this author was right, but maybe he was. He presented with good logic and examples his positions from the Bible and elsewhere. He said that mankind in an earlier age had become very clever in science and experimented with all forms of genetic research back then. They were altering the species of the earth both human, plant, and animal. This was turning the earth into an abomination before God who gave no permission for His forms of life that He had created on earth to be turned into strange new forms not approved of by God. He had a few humans who were not yet contaminated in blood by the genetic experiments on man and animals that were not yet ruined by these genetic experiments back then and had them all brought to the Ark built by Noah and his family. Once the still pure forms of human life and animal life were all loaded into the Ark, then God brought forth the world flood to kill off and clean the earth of these abominations of life that man in his evil had tried to invent on earth, Then with non-contaminated man and animals, God then repopulated the earth.
It has been suggested to me by at least one friend and maybe more that God is using me to create the equivalent of a modern-day version of Noah's Ark with my proposed Camelot Project. Only my version might even be able to house several hundred people to a million people if wanted to handle that much. If mankind wants to turn the earth into an colossal abomination before God again through genetic engineering, etc., then the good seed of mankind and other life can be saved there. Then God once more cleanses the earth and starts over with what is left of mankind, animal, and plants. I have no revelation that this is why this Camelot Project is supposed to be built by me, but I know by instinct I need to do this for the survival and future of mankind. I totally believe in the necessity of building this mighty Camelot community. It will have the finest research and development center seen in human history and all sorts of good quality culture to it, great agricultural system, and much more. Christians today don't know early Christian writings, but a few in the early days mentioned the great community and city of the elect of God that would suddenly exist shortly before the world tribulation and would still exist when the world tribulation is over. This is a power to be reckoned with from the moment it is built onward. The community of the Essences shortly before the fall of Jerusalem to the Roman army predicted this community of the elect of God shortly before the Tribulation of the last days and would be greatly pleasing to God when built. They would be the chosen of God on earth and they would be gifted in many ways including making weapons of warfare that mankind has never seen before. Lactantius shortly before 320 A.D. wrote about this great Christian city that would be built in the last days by the elect of God and could not be defeated in war. They would survive the Tribulation because God willed it. Lactantius was a prominent Christian Church Father and Christian tutor to the son of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. St. Augustine wrote about this and said it was called "the camp of the saints" in Revelation. Early Christians knew about this community of the last days. Modern Christians not knowing early Christianity do not know about this teaching of early Christianity. Jer. 30 gives a clue where it will be located when built. The Serbian prophet Mitar Tarabich of the 19th century whose every prophecy came true predicted this community which would keep safe the land where it is built from being destroyed in a great World War III which would even wipe out entire nations. He said it would be built in the mountains with the three crosses. Scholars were mystified by this reference to three crosses. I propose to bring unity between Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox Catholics which would also include their branch of the Russian Orthodox Church, and Protestants. These are the three crosses that would live in peace and goodwill together at Camelot. I know the explanation other scholars did not know.
Is Wash., D.C. in Bible prophecy? Overwhelmingly! But the references in the Bible do not praise it. Instead, it is said such as in Revelation that at a future point it will be inhabited by demons. Maybe our aliens are the demons so close to leadership in Wash., D.C. as reported by many who say Washington leaders secretly deal with space aliens. Maybe the space aliens are actually demons as several have suggested to me. Time will tell, but Wash., D.C. is possessed of a spirit of intense evil these days and very hostile to God in spirit as their laws and policies clearly demonstrate now. As Jesus said, judge them by their fruits whether they be good or evil. My mother's side of my family background claimed to have the gift of prophecy which was hereditary from generation to generation. Quite a story here of private demonstrations of this and it was claimed by one source to me that the family line were the descendants of one of the two grandsons of St. Jude (an Apostle) who wrote the Epistle of Jude in the New Testament and these two grandsons met with the Roman Emperor when he visited Jerusalem He was to decide whether to kill them or not because they were descendants of King David of Israel. When they talked about the future return of Jesus as King over the earth, the Roman Emperor decided they were crazy if they believed that, spared their lives, and called off the persecution of the Christians in the Roman Empire as he now judged they were harmless as security threats to the Roman Empire, a little crazy to believe in Jesus Christ this way, but no threat to the political power of the Roman Empire. The family line then settled in Scotland according to legend and that is where we descend from St. Jude if the ancient legend is correct explaining where this gift of prophecy came from that got passed on in the family line. The family line carried the coat of arms apparently based on the Roman Emperor's comment of the unique physical appearance they presented to him as uniquely strong in arms. His comment on them is recorded in both pagan Roman history and separate Christian history from then. If all this is correct, then I descend from the cousin line of Jesus Christ. St. John the Baptist was a cousin of Jesus. He prepared for the first coming of Jesus Christ. Also, the return of Jesus to earth is apparently also reserved for His cousin family line to prepare for the second coming of Jesus. As Pastor Dan of Nigeria said in 2001 after being dead three days in Africa and then brought back to life before many witnesses, Jesus wanted the message delivered that Jesus was returning soon to earth and the Christians were not ready for His return at this time.
Now to teach Wash., D.C. to behave it better. I am governed by the protocols of moral force. If you had paid me back the $525,000 you federally stole from me to try and stop me from reestablishing my father's Vatican endorsed food process in America once more, I would have respected this act of good intention to behave yourself henceforth and the following would not have now happened to you. We had a fund secretly set up in January, 2013 run by ourselves and not affiliated with any other. We saw an angle how to make a regular high return every month and seems to work like clockwork and at a good rate of return every month. Through the beginning of June, 2013, the return remains good and pretty consistent every month in rate. We were going to set up this principle of a fund when your U.S. Justice Dept. broke up a totally legitimate deal we had with trucking interests and others which could have paid us up to likely $27 billion if you had not broken up the deal to block my father's Vatican endorsed food process from being reestablished in America as you are so dedicated to evil and care nothing about the American people nor future of America as a nation. The principle we had then for our planned fund was finally able to be tested this year and works like clockwork every month and at pretty constant rates every month. With this fund set up back then which you blocked by smashing our deal with the trucking firms, etc., you now owe us an estimated at least $1 trillion in actual damages for money we would have now and if we were mean about it, we could also call for triple damages pushing this up to $4 trillion in actual and punitive damages owed us now. But being nicer than you, you owe us $300 billion from other claims already stated in national reports plus $1 trillion we are going to require you to legally pay so you owe us in cash at this time $1.3 trillion dollars. Payment can be accepted at any time you are ready. I am no amateur at law having a track record of such as beating in court a Jewish lawyer who had never lost in any court until he faced me. And I engineered other legal upsets also. I already know how we can collect on Wash., D.C. and any federal officials we decide to personally sue for $1.3 trillion in damages for now. Don't try to call my bluff because we hold the legal aces and not bluff!
Now for the public to see what legal game is being played now. If anything happens to me, I appoint my assistant who handles national orders for me, the movie producer to the American Indian Medicine Man DVD movie I publicized just before this report, and my health research associate in Virginia as the three trustees to these claims of financial damage. They are to sue Eric Holder and Obama for $4.3 trillion dollars on behalf of my business interests. They are to sue each and every member of Congress at this time for each $4.3 trillion in damages, other heads of federal agencies or federal employees involved with these Mafia style tactics to try and stop my finances before, and under international law they will win in a colossal legal upset as I will show them the hidden aces I held but did not show yet. When Wash., D.C. officials suddenly realize that they can be sued and not stop it by Wash. law, life is going to become pretty grim for them. So this should help to make my life worth much more alive than dead to Wash., D.C. Besides if I died, the whole world would know that Wash.,D.C. murdered me anyway, and that is not smart when a world audience already knows that my father's Vatican endorsed food process is likely the answer whether the human race lives or else dies on this earth soon. So we assume that I am a worse threat dead than alive. So then continue on. Congress plays ball with me and I will see that you can get out of this financial jam all this legal action can cause if I don't call it off. You are going to pass the Omni Law so by national referendum I can get the large grant of federal land I have planned all along that I am going to end up with anyway. And don't ask too many questions here or you might be very unhappy with the legal answer you find out about then. I already have legal claim to the land I am after. Don't press the issue! I am still going to collect the earlier $300 billion you owe me and for exchange on the land grant, I will drop the other legal financial claim down to $500 billion. This still puts you in a tight financial situation. Let me legally collect money owed to Wash., D.C. that you have no intention of ever collecting and I will get my $800 billion out of that and the rest of the money will be split between Wash., D.C., state governments, and the American people 18 years of age and older. I should be able to pay off the national debt of Wash., D.C. Don't forget that I studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe. I hate to mention it, but my mother was once rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to then and she did not raise an idiot for a son! I assure you that the money is there if the matter is followed through on. We get anywhere near what can be collected and we can pay off all the state debts of all 50 state governments in America. I get my $800 billion out of all this and the American people get divided pro-rata what is left of money. This might even pay off the mortgages of all Americans in America, send your kids to college with everything paid for and no student loans, great retirement plans for the people, and all sorts of surprises. On top of that, if there is plenty of money to collect, I get a 10% finder's fee on what I collect for everyone else and will use this for the Camelot Project. What this means is that there will be a huge fund to build new industry in America with and do all sorts of other great things for America then. Instead of America going bankrupt as likely under Obama, America gets back on its feet and America can now have a great future again instead of a pending disaster.
Okay, American folks. Time to back me and do it right! Pass this report everywhere across America. Those who back my loan program on my national website or already have in cash delivered so far for it, you get 10% divided pro-rata based upon what percentage of the loan program your money represents. You get your pro-rata share of the $500 billion new financial claim Wash., D.C. was dumb enough to create for itself by not delivering the tiny $525,000 it originally federally stole from me and I have witnesses to prove this in legal courts. Wash., D.C. is trapped! Time to negotiate! Omni Law is going to get passed or I sue all members of Congress $4.3 trillion each for financial damages as I will hold to the legal position that every defendant owes me the entire amount of damages and not to be bailed out by Wash., D.C. paying off these legal damages for them. Excess money will be given to charity, but the legal principle and precedent will be upheld that all criminals in government owe all the damages and not divided in share between them. When crime gets so expensive in government, enough to start making them honest instead of thinking that corruption and crime in government still pays so wondrously!
Look up my website www.fastboomamericaneconomy.com and see where you can place money in $25 credit units. Use our dropdown menu with 10 options to put money into our OMNI LAW LOAN PROGRAM listed at the top of the website. One time I will let you get one free bonus of the $39.95 American Indian Medicine Man DVD I offered the other day if you request it by email to my email address of fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.com The DVD movie offer is good until the end of June 20, 2013.
Or if you want, you may send payment to NIFI at the mailing address of NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Of course, give us a note what you are sending the payment in for.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the one who thinks it is time to clean up the mess in Wash., D.C. and get America moving again in the right direction! And don't forget to look at the photos below to see what genetic monsters can be created by genetic engineering with animals. And eat enough GMO food, hope you don't end up looking like these genetically altered animals below!)
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