Just Film the Kokesh Perpetrators
Bandog posted a brilliant comment to the forum:
From forums, blogs, and articles, it appears that true patriots have little interest in marching in these charades. This means that the marches will indeed be attended almost entirely by provocateur agent actors. What a great opportunity to document them all on video! Any subsequent op could then be scoured for actors from our library of known agents.If they are reading these pages and paying attention, this observation alone should be enough to cancel all of the marches, not just the one in DC.
My comment This one made me laugh. YES, OF COURSE the answer is obvious! Since they all have a high level security clearance, using this method will no doubt shut down ANY clandestine operation. Here is how it goes:
Get a decent super zoom HD camera that will allow you to shoot from a safe distance. Get EVERYONE in the march documented. Record the whole thing. AND THEN, if anything crazy breaks out, film the people who instigated it. Then post those pictures everywhere online, and pop the question: DEAR MOLLY, IS THIS YOUR CIA EMPLOYED HUSBAND BEING NAUGHTY?
Now, obviously, not everyone can afford an HD camera with a good lens, or CAN THEY? There are a few cheap options.The Samsung WB150F (it should be possible to snag this somewhere for less than $140) shoots 720 p video very well, and zooms very smoothly while shooting video but the camera is balky and unresponsive while shooting photos, and when shooting photos, the lens is horrific beyond belief (for me, Annie will think it's ok). Pictures are sort of trashy and the lens handles poorly during still photography, but for video you won't do better at this price.
The Olympus SZ-12 is a better camera than the Samsung, but it's not as good at video. This is compensated for, however, by a substantially longer zoom, so your not quite as good video will be in closer to make up for it. This camera blows away the Samsung for night video shooting, so the video story is not all bad.If the protest goes into the night, you can still bag it with this camera. The lens works great during still photography and is (sort of) a dog during video shooting. Still photography with the Olympus is a dream come true.
Both of these cameras fit in your shirt pocket, which is great for clandestine photography. I reviewed the SZ-14 (which is the foreign version of the SZ-12) and the Samsung WB150F for the web site the forum is hosted on so I am not just parroting the opinions of others.
If you want a larger camera, theFuji S4250 is a good option, but you won't be sneaking up on anyone with that camera. Forget anything cheaper, the other cameras at lower prices either cannot handle 720P video or have very poor zoom.
Samsung WB150F, though it lacks (drastically) the detail of the olympus in still photography, may be the all around clandestine usage winner for protests because the 720P video from this camera is very clear, and the lens behaves great while shooting video (horrible with stills), and it fits perfectly in a shirt pocket. Both of these cameras are like little photographic pea shooters that no one would ever expect to be capable of anything, but will get right into the action from a safe distance. When you see them snatching Iphones to delete the videos off of them, you will have a 100 yard head start to get away with if you buy the WB150F, and 150 yards with the Olympus. Chances are if you are that far away they won't be paying attention to you anyway. The olympus will absolutely amaze you with it's ability to totally bag photos of people from huge distances. The samsung, well, photos lack detail, especially at full zoom because the sensor is not as good, and the image stabilization is a couple steps behind the Olympus.
If you mostly want to shoot photos, the Olympus wins. If you mostly want to shoot daytime video, the Samsung wins.
Most importantly, document this march. I don't care if you have a 10 year old digital camera with no zoom, or a GIANT Canon 5D with a 50mm prime lens that would make perfect taser bait, something is better than nothing, GO OUT AND DO IT.
The mere threat of having so many CIA employees get photographed for the sole purpose of documenting that they work for the CIA could be enough to slam this into the history books before it even happens.Classic disinfo piece muddying the nuclear waters
Now someone has started to push the idea that a nuke blew up the West fertilizer plant. Folks this is impossible. Early on, I fairly well proved that the West fertilizer explosion was caused by a conventional warhead, delivered by a missile. This was evidenced by the soundtracks of two different videos that got posted to Youtube, one where you can hear a turbine approaching and increasing in pitch, and another where it sounds like a turbine engine flew by, and then decreased in pitch. This was caused by the two different shooting angles receiving a different doppler shift in the sound of the cruise missile engine based upon where the observers were located. However, both observers were so close to the fertilizer plant that when the explosion happened, there is less than a half second delay in the sound arriving at the location both videos were being shot from. Any nuke would have killed the people shooting the videos at that close range.
In Syria it was an entirely different situation. A full 11 seconds go by before the sound of the nuke arrived at the camera, which put the Syria nuke at a distance of 3.8 KM from the camera, which was 4 times the distance the Hiroshima nuke was able to do significant damage - the Hiroshima nuke had a damage zone with a radius of approximately 1 km. This explains why the cameraman in Syria survived, he was well outside the kill zone. I am just going to cut to the forum post now, to let you know what I am talking about, and my comments will follow.
-name omitted because he's a real good guy on the forum-
I Believe that Mr. Stone first nailed this as some type of missile carrying a nuke/HE warhead to blow the plant to hell and gone. Now here's further proof that the MSM narrative is highly doubtful:
Taken from the investigative news site, "From the Trenches World Report."
What really happened to the West, Texas fertilizer plant?
I hate to say this folks but in case you did not investigate this tragic event yourself we are looking at yet another false flag!!
Here's a photo of the crater left at one of the plant's parking lots:
And a photo from afar:
Looks like the PTB are getting even more psychotic than their usual blood-soaked ways. They must be trying to hurry an event that's behind their lunatic schedule for us peons.
That's two nukes used in the span of less than a month. The W. Texas one, then the nuke used on Damascus.
Won't be long before a nuke decimates an American city, to be blamed on the usual suspects, 'Moozies' to keep Americans filled with hatred and demanding revenge on another one of Israel's 'existential' enemies.
My comment
There is NO WAY that was a nuke,people were so close to that blast that the sound arrived in less than half a second. The nearby trees are still in one piece. If that was a nuke the people filming it would have been burned to death at that range, permanently blinded also, and totally blown 150 feet and landed in dehydrated flaming pieces, and on top of that, at that close a range, the EMP would have vaporized the processor in their cell phone used to record it. I have always said EMP would not wipe out our electronics with ONE qualifying statement:Provided you are not at ground zero
I never said this was a nuke, it was conventional ordnance only. That big scary cloud took at least an hour to develop. Happens any time there is a major fire in still air, TIMING IS EVERYTHING, when that cloud is formed in 45 seconds then that means a possible nuke, an hour does not cut it. The crater is too pronounced and small, the nearby trees are still there, people survived filming it from 500 feet away as did their electronics and there is no white out frame. That was perhaps a 2,000 pound conventional warhead delivered by a jet engine powered tomahawk. A 2.1 earthquake, as covered in the original report, can be produced by 50 pounds of well placed TNT. Conventional weapons strikes routinely produce earthquakes in this range.
The smoke happened later and the cloud took that shape because of different thermal barriers in the air which stopped it at that elevation. It was obviously a still day because it's not trailing off in any one direction. But the thin wispy smoke mixed in with the big mushroom head is a dead giveaway, that took time to build and then suddenly got going real good.
I see this fromthetrenches report as something that is muddying the water and an intentional diversion that fooled them. Though fromthetrenches linked it, they do not do their own investigations - they are more or less an aggregator. So fromthetrenches got fooled and posted something that many people will look at and laugh at. I think it's a psy op.
Watch this get traction while the Syria nuke got buried. This will be allowed to become a predominant piece of disinfo, to prevent people from looking into the subject of nukes being used elsewhere. This is so obviously NOT a nuke that any scientist will look at the pictures, laugh, and then call the "nuke people" wackos without looking one step further. This will then allow Israel to happily nuke at will, because the entire nuclear weapons topic will be firmly discredited.
ROTH 8:44AM ...and that's how it all works, ladies and gentlemen. Classic disinformation.
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