Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Rumors and conspiracy theories not hard to believe with Obama regime in charge

Strange rumors are flying on the internet

Rumors and conspiracy theories not hard to believe with Obama regime in charge

By Coach Collins, on June 4th, 2013
by Suzanne Eovaldi,  staff writer

Emails detailing rumors of C130′s and C17′s flying plane loads of UN troops over northern Florida made their way across several internet sites last week, and at least 30 forwarded to media sources all over the country produced no replies, let alone confirmations or denials.  ”We have had unconfirmed reports of foreign troops landing in U.S.  If you have any information, please use the “Contact Us” form,” said the text of the Emails.
(1) Reports of a phone call from a Jacksonville, FL man living “right on the flight path of a Naval Air Station,” reveal he allegedly saw planes, silver in color with no tail markings, flying overhead.  Resembling unmarked military transport planes, they were streaming in a constant flow of aircraft.  “In all of the years living under the flight plan,” the tipster said he’d never seen anything like it!
The DHS rehab of the old Naval base and airstrip in Glynco, GA comes to mind here.  The Golden Isles retirement communities along Georgia’s barrier islands are being rattled as the once sleepy area is overrun by the DHS.
(2)  The 1,600 acre security campus with its own zip code (31524) is undergoing a huge makeover to provide a training center for our homeland security agency which recently made a staggering $1.6 billion ammo buy.  Is this the eventual destination of these alleged UN troops?  Thus far, no one has come forward to clarify this rumor. 
(3) Meanwhile, pictures of Tea Party marchers with walkers and bullhorns being watched by DHS monitors near St. Louis, MO, flooded conservative links as the IRS protest day of May 21st attracted scores of senior citizens upset by being targeted by the hated Service. 
A friend sent an Email to say she saw two tanks in very wealthy Vero Beach, FL where she lives. She was dismayed because no one seemed perturbed.  She reports that an older tank, less newly painted, was seen in the much poorer community of Gifford, Florida, a town in the news recently for gang violence.
I was driving south on I-95 and passed a military convoy transporting middle sized armored vehicles, headed for who knows, Miami perhaps?
Now another Email from a Montana tipster is being confirmed. 
(4)  “On Monday, May 20, a low flying white drone over a Kalispell, MT shopping center was followed by a bomber plane.”  Shoppers at the new organic grocery store, some with full carts, were plunged into darkness as lights went out over one half of the northwest mountain community near the Canadian border.  “It was pretty big…it was a very bizarre day. . .heard strange buzzing noise,” reports one shopper unnerved by the unmanned spy in the sky. 
One commenter even wondered if his license plate number was picked up and recorded because he was shopping at a GMO free grocery store! 
And Benghazi just won’t go away. Was the State Department casting its own remake of Charlie Wilson’s War in a debacle rumored to have involved a buyback of Stinger missiles? 
The patient may no longer have a pulse as Americans are being subjected to a Sgt. Schultz double negative time warp of rumors, disinformation, changing talking points and Obama bureaucrats who just don’t know.
Conspiracy theorists requiring a greater or lesser measure of tin foil headwear will be with us always. What’s truly disconcerting is that regardless how demented, deranged, implausible or flaky, it is nevertheless believable that THIS Administration might actually be guilty of whatever the theorist claims! Now there’s a legacy to be proud of.

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