Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

The Word of the Lord for June 2013 & Beyond

Phyllis Ford Carpenter’s Touch Ministries, Arlington, Texas 

The Word of the Lord for June 2013 & Beyond
Now that we are crossing over from the way man operated in the world’s standard of living and we are now living our lives according to Lord’s standards and ways. We also cross over to the domain of the king and as we enter into the king’s court we must learn how to rule, reign, and walk in dominion. We have not been this way before because this is not the old path that has to do with the present world systems and how things are done on their level. But we are on a course of moving forward according to the instructions of the Lord as kingdom citizens. The Lord is releasing a strategy to his people. So as we begin to understand that even though we live in this world that we are not of this world. We walk in Christ Jesus with the understanding that we have been formed in the Father’s likeness and made in his image.

Therefore no matter what problems present circumstances may bring, as we follow the Lord’s word, his leading, and understand with humble hearts we will be victorious and we will be able to overcome situations that will be seem impossible by his grace. Jesus, our king never wanted us to live beneath our privilege. The more we remove our thinking from the systems of this world and renew our minds in kingdom understanding we will begin to see clearly what He has called us to do.

The Lord has revealed to me that as we embrace this understanding it will reposition us and we will grab hold to the keys to that He has provided for us now. As his sons, the Lord has set a walk that is predestined for us, we have been chosen and appointed for this hour.* A big question that is being asked right now is: “How can a people overcome all the trouble that is occurring in our present times.” Many of these things have been revealed in God’s word and the answer is within the confines of knowing who are and what we have been created to be. The book of Revelation unveils an end-time wisdom on how to conquer and prevail even in the midst of that which will come upon the earth. *(Romans 8: 14-19), (Galatians 4:4-7, Phil 3:17-20, Ephesians 2:4-6.)

These are the words that the Lord released to me for this hour:

“I am opening up before you light and revelation—clarity and keen discernment, so that you may see not only that which is visible but even know that which is about to occur before you. And those who seek me in this hour will understand even beyond that, in the spiritual realm. I am revealing and providing clarity of others’ motives, even the enemy’s plans to counter-attack and that which would try to discourage you from continuing along the path of my will in your life now.”

“Now you will know where I am leading you and why I am bringing you in. And as I enlighten you concerning everything that is surrounding you—take heed, avoid and move away from that which is unclean and that which yields to you no good thing. Move forward into the place of readiness and diligence for there is much to do. Be careful not to judge others as this is a time of being assessed and everyone have to deal with their own issues and make decisions to resolve things for themselves before moving ahead. Remove all anger, forgive and release those around you because it can set in problems that will hinder you and the plans that I have for you until present issues are resolved. Criticism and harshness towards others will hinder you from entering into a new beauty and glory that awaits you.”

“Now as you are arriving upon the shores of this awakening you must understand that it does not give you the authority to look at others with a jaundiced eye. You are still going through a refining, a purging, and even a pruning back for the purpose for greater growth and maturity. Your divine turnaround is right before you and even nigh at your door. I have fashioned you in this time to walk in the fullness of the beauty of the kingdom.”

“As you enter into before me, many things that you have prayed for, cried out for and even waited for are about to take place. This is a time of possessing the kingdom, understanding the domain of the King and you will know what awaits you through my covenant promises. You will operate out of a different realm not as the world dictates to you that you must do to survive, but you will come to know honor and royalty: it is that which I have placed in you so you may deal with everyday situations from a different perspective. As you pray before my presence you will enter into new doors and avenues as I usher you through with great favor and mercy. Did I not call you a kingdom of priest? (Exodus 19:6) Have I not said that you are a royal priesthood and a holy nation? (1 Peter 2:9)”.

“Now that you have crossed over into this light of understanding to know that I created you for great service and great leadership, raised you in royalty for I have created you to be Kings and Priests. And you will walk as an heir of my covenant and hold to your faith with great conviction---you will go forth to rule and reign as I have guided you.”

Revelation 1:5-6 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

“Your past has dictated to you how to operate as a captive of the world but I have freed your hands to build and to war, and to speak forth my words. When you do as I will lead you, you will see things shift and your circumstances will give way to the words that you speak as I reveal them to you in this hour. This is the time that I am releasing before you the strategies of Kings. The true pathway is being laid out before you and you must move forward with a humble heart and embrace the power being handed to you in this hour. You will walk the way I walk, speak the way I speak, and advance in the way of Kings.”

Ecclesiastes 8:4 “Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?

“Do not forget what you have endured through the hardness of trials and the crucible of sufferings. The trying of your faith, even the lack and the times of aloneness were difficult but they have prepared you to come into the understanding of your true identity. Allow your mind to be purified and receive the knowledge that I have called and ordained you for to advance My Kingdom. Embrace my domain and enter into my dwelling place where you will, as my sons, walk in the power and manifestation of light that I am placing upon you.”

“I have hidden many of my kingdom remnant in the secret place of my covering and as they prayed I begin to mold them, shape them and make them more and more like me. Now is the hour of my unveiling and my revealing—you must carry the truth that I have placed in your heart to the nations to walk in my power and dominion. These next two months, June and July, you will see times of great acquisitions in the realm of the spirit and the things which you need the most will be provided—remember do not squander what I release to you. It is for others and then it is also for you.”

“You will see the life that follows your time of confinement and as you struggled to come out of one place know that I was preparing you, forming you and with wings I breathed upon you new life as you broke out of your cocoon and began to take flight. The transformation has begun and it is about to be a time of great exploits as you press forward, press in and press through all that tries to oppose you.”

“So allow your hands of praise to be uplifted as it will strengthen you in times of great shifting. As I guide you through in the power of my light. Know that it was well worth it so let your praise carry you along the way to keep you from being weary as you move forward in the night. There is a distinct order now in all that you do. You are still abiding under the shadow of my presence, hold on to me now, hold on to me tight.”

Revelation 3:20-21 “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches.”
Revelation 5:9-10 “And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.”

Then He spoke to me about an old praise song that I use to sing in church.

“Go forth, Go forth into the ripened fields, for they are white unto harvest. The time, the time of reaping is at hand, For the souls of men to be gathered in, What was sown in tears--Will now be reaped in joy. The Word of the Lord will not return void. Cast out your nets all you fishers of men. In the power of the Spirit revival begins”

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