Jumat, 31 Mei 2013


8:40 AM

[8:32:31 AM] Starting Tuesday, the White Knight began the process of "moving" into place
the collateral for the 8 new currencies they added last Friday to the basket of currencies "revaluing" against the current, but on life-support, U.S. dollar before it is replaced during the U.S. Financial Announcement. "Moving" into place does not necessarily involve the physical transfer of, say, gold bullion from location A to location B, other than, possibly, within the confines of one of the world's several repositories/bunker -warehouses. In most cases, the owners of the asset in question (e.g., a precious metal...) sell it which results in title to it being transferred to the new owner, who/which then pledges it to back (collateralize, if you prefer...) a currency. Naturally, that resulting paperwork must be certified to be genuine (as opposed to having been counterfeited...) and then filed with the International Court of Justice at The Hague.
This process was to finish today in time for the new exchange rates for the 25 currencies to appear on front-office ForEx trading screens early enough today for the remaining 1st Five trading programs' document packages to be delivered today
The White Knights became aware that some (more than one, but I don't know how many...) of our funding banks (which had to have demonstrated Basel III compliance in order to qualify to have money transferred-in from Vancouver 6 - 8 weeks ago...) were now out of compliance. Why? So that their senior management could, as they had done for years - until recently - could hypothecate our money and trade the resultant loan proceeds for their benefit. Had those banks remaining Basel III compliant, their hypothecation would have become apparent in real time. Therefore, and with malice aforethought, they obfuscated their illegal activity by not reporting as Basel III accord's regulations require. Moreover...
When confronted, the baking criminals/banksters were defiant! The took the position that, since Basel III had not be proclaimed in the USA, they needn't be bound by it and, until that happened, they'd just keep on hypothecating our money and trading the loan proceeds they lent themselves and each other!! That's classic Illuminati arrogance. In response...
The White Knights designated tomorrow as Delivery Day 1. Delivering to 70% of the Big PrOgram's Hallelujah recipients (the names in the database that Bill Wilson kept for Clyde Hood...) remedies the sole deficiency that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission discovered when it audited the Wilson database (the "Kodosky" database was out of the SEC's reach, having been kept "overseas"...). Do you remember the nature of the deficiency? Regardless...
While delivering the remaining 1st Five trading programs' document packages remedies that deficiency, it doesn't simply allow the White Knights to broadcast the U.S. Financial Announcement. It compels them to by the end of the next business day unless Delivery Day 1 is a Friday, in which case, the Announcement must be made before the next business day.Naturally, the Announcement includes the proclamation of the Basel III banking accord in the USA, thereby taking the wheels forcibly off the banksters' Little Red Wagons and mandating a Basel III compliance audit starting on Monday. That audit will identify the persons participating in the many instances of hypothecation and the associated trading, which will result in their immediate removal for cause and replacement. Basel III's coming formally into effect in the USA this weekend will result in mandatory real-time compliance, which will allow the U.S. Treasury to identify any non-compliance as it happens.
Because there's no way to accurately forecast precisely how long it will take to grab these recalcitrant banks by the scruff of their necks and institute compliance, 
we may not be able to access the first tranche of either or trading profits or Fines & Penalties money until Tuesday or, perhaps, Wednesday. Even if there were no money in the envelope that will be delivered (don't worry, there is some, but I don;t know how much...) 
tomorrow, I could quite happily wait until Wednesday, if need be, having received my legal title to my share of the Big PrOgram's pay out.
Kindly note that today's White Knight response is very different that what we had to become familiar before last Friday's Day of Profound Loss of Face changed the White Knights' decision-making team or woke it up to reality. They were honorable men, but were too naive to compete with their (and our...) street-fighting opponents. Their unworkable position seems definitely to have been abandoned. The WKs in charge last week would never have made this tactical - and workable - change. Thank God/Goddess/All That Is/ The Force that current White Knight cadre has some street smarts and has demonstrated that its members can adapt and has adapted!
More later, as news and/or other circumstances warrant. It's 5:39 PM PDT on Thursday, 30 May, 2013. Copyright
1996 2013, all rights reserved.   } 

25 Signs That Military Veterans Are Being Treated Like Absolute Trash Under The Obama Administration

25 Signs That Military Veterans Are Being Treated Like Absolute Trash Under The Obama Administration

Obama And The MilitaryWhy does the Obama administration treat our military veterans like human garbage?  Every year on Memorial Day and Veterans Day, Barack Obama and our other politicians make very nice speeches, but the truth about how they feel about our veterans can be seen in how they are treated every single day.  In the United States today, there are well over half a million veterans that have been waiting for at least 125 days to have their benefit claims processed.  Many of them will ultimately have their claims sent back or denied just so a government employee somewhere can get a bigger bonus.  Meanwhile, conditions at VA facilities all over the country are absolutely abysmal, and many veterans have to wait more than half a year just to get an appointment at one of those facilities.  Once you start looking into how this country really treats military veterans, it becomes easier to understand why 22 military veterans commit suicide in America every single day.  Our vets have a higher rate of unemployment, a higher rate of poverty, a higher rate of homelessness, a higher rate of depression and a higher rate of divorce then the general population.  It is a crying shame.  One of the ways that any society is judged is by how it treats military veterans, and the truth is that America has failed miserably.  This has been particularly true since Barack Obama has been in the White House.
The following are 25 signs that military veterans are being treated like absolute trash under the Obama administration…
1. The average claim for veteran benefits takes more than half a year to be processed.
2. The Department of Veterans Affairs has a backlog of more than half a million overdue claims for benefits that are at least 125 days old.
3. In 2009, the number of veterans that had been waiting for more than a year to have their benefits approved was 11,000.  Today, that number has soared to245,000.
4. Thousands upon thousands of military veterans that are waiting for their claims to be processed are dealing with absolutely horrible injuries
Of those who have sought VA care:
• More than 1,600 of them lost a limb; many others lost fingers or toes.
• At least 156 are blind, and thousands of others have impaired vision.
• More than 177,000 have hearing loss, and more than 350,000 report tinnitus — noise or ringing in the ears.
• Thousands are disfigured, as many as 200 of them so badly that they may need face transplants. One-quarter of battlefield injuries requiring evacuation included wounds to the face or jaw, one study found.
5. At one VA hospital in Wisconsin, one military veteran with a broken jaw that was seeking treatment still had not had his jaw fixed after a month and a half.
6. Today, it takes military vets an average of seven months to get an appointment at a VA facility.
7. Many VA facilities are in absolutely horrific condition.  A while back, ABC News conducted an investigation of conditions at VA facilities across the United States.  What ABC News discovered was absolutely shocking.  The following are just a few of the things that they found during the course of their investigation
*Bathrooms filthy with what appeared to be human excrement
*Dirty linens from some patients mixed in with clean supplies
*Examining tables that had dried blood and medications still on them
*Equipment used to sterilize surgical instruments that had broken down
*Some patients were forced to beg for food and water
*Veterans that were neglected so badly that they developed horrific bedsores and dangerous infections
8. As I have written about previously, applying for veteran benefits is extremely complicated, and VA employees are actually paid bonuses for denying claims…
The truth is that we have made it extremely difficult for our military veterans to claim the benefits that we have promised them.  Vets have to fill out an absurdly complicated 23 page application and if they make even one small mistake their applications can be stonewalled for years.  The U.S. Veterans Administration actually has a policy under which they pay large bonuses to employees that meet certain application processing goals.  This explains why approximately 70% of the claims submitted to the Veterans Administration are refused or sent back to be redone.  In fact, using the Freedom of Information Act, one local NBC station was able to learn that $250,000 was paid in bonuses to VA employees who work inside the Poff Federal Building in Roanoke, Virginia in just one year alone.
9. Large numbers of military veterans that legitimately should be getting benefits are having their claims denied by the federal government.  Just check out the following example from a Veterans Today article
In one case, we found a veteran with 40 percent of his brain removed found to be healthy and employable.  He was also missing his right arm.  The physician who examined him over looked the arm and failed to note the cognitive degeneration the traumatic brain injury had caused.
10. Last year, more than 85,000 military veterans were treated for sexual abuse that they suffered while serving in the military.  40 percent of them were men.
11. According to a recent Defense Department survey, approximately 14,000 men in the U.S. military were sexually assaulted by other men during 2012.
12. According to the Washington Post, there is an epidemic of sexual assaults being committed by military recruiters.  The Pentagon is pledging to do something about the problem…
“The secretary has made it clear that we will spare no effort to rid our military of sexual abuse,” said George Little, the Pentagon press secretary. “The fact that there have been problems of sexual abuse during the recruiting process is simply intolerable.”
13. The number of active members of the U.S. military that are killing themselves now exceeds the number that are dying on the battlefield.
14. Since the beginning of the Iraq War, twice as many members of the Texas National Guard have killed themselves as have been killed in combat.
15. According to one recent study, 22 military veterans kill themselves in the United States every single day.
16. At this point, combat veterans account for about 20 percent of all suicides in the United States.
17. The unemployment rate for military veterans is significantly higher than for the population as a whole.  This is especially true for younger veterans.
18. On any given night, approximately 200,000 military veterans are homeless in the United States.
19. All over America, monuments that honor military veterans are crumbling and falling apart.  For much more on this, please see this article.
20. Under the Obama administration, many military veterans have had to pay to have their medals shipped to them.  For example, one soldier actually had to pay a 21 dollar shipping fee to get his Purple Heart.  The following is from the Huffington Post
War comes with an incalculable human cost. And apparently a shipping fee of about $21.
Retired Sgt. Major Rob Dickerson says that’s the price he was forced to pay when his Purple Heart — the medal issued to soldiers wounded in action — arrived at his door, C.O.D.
Instead of being awarded the military honor in a formal ceremony, the vet with 29 years in the service was handed his award, and a shipping invoice, by a FedEx deliveryman outside his Sioux Falls, S.D., home.
21. In some areas of the country the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has been caught banning the words “God” and “Jesus” during funeral services for veterans.
22. Today, the federal government provides “end of life” literature to veterans that helps them to determine when their lives are “no longer worth living“…
“Your Life, Your Choices” presents end-of-life choices in a way aimed at steering users toward predetermined conclusions, much like a political “push poll.” For example, a worksheet on page 21 lists various scenarios and asks users to then decide whether their own life would be “not worth living.”
The circumstances listed include ones common among the elderly and disabled: living in a nursing home, being in a wheelchair and not being able to “shake the blues.” There is a section which provocatively asks, “Have you ever heard anyone say, ‘If I’m a vegetable, pull the plug’?” There also are guilt-inducing scenarios such as “I can no longer contribute to my family’s well being,” “I am a severe financial burden on my family” and that the vet’s situation “causes severe emotional burden for my family.”When the government can steer vulnerable individuals to conclude for themselves that life is not worth living, who needs a death panel?
23. One study discovered that approximately one-third of all military veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq were officially determined to be mentally ill by government officials.
24. All over America, “mental illness” is being used as a reason to take guns away from military veterans.
25. The federal government is increasingly labeling military veterans as “potential domestic terrorists” if they express viewpoints that are critical of the government.  The following is from a recent article by John Whitehead
Making matters worse, thanks to Operation Vigilant Eagle, a program launched by the Department of Homeland Security in 2009, military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are also being characterized as extremists and potential domestic terrorist threats because they may be “disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war.” As a result, these servicemen and women–many of whom are decorated–are finding themselves under surveillance, threatened with incarceration or involuntary commitment, or arrested, all for daring to voice their concerns about the alarming state of our union and the erosion of our freedoms.
An important point to consider, however, is that the government is not merely targeting individuals who are voicing their discontent so much as it is locking up individuals trained in military warfare who are voicing feelings of discontent. Under the guise of mental-health treatment and with the complicity of government psychiatrists and  law-enforcement officials, these veterans are increasingly being portrayed as ticking time bombs in need of intervention.
Are you upset yet?
You should be.
The way that the federal government is treating military veterans is absolutely shameful.

Exchange DONG first --- then Dinar later


wonlady : I asked this question on the previous thread and it was not answered, so i will try again...for those of us who hold VND, would it be best to exchange those first after the RV and hold the dinar until the dollar settles? Inquiring minds want to know!! Thank you for replying!

Eagle1:  Good Evening!

I thought I had made this recommendation to folks here, but apparently my counsel was made in private PM's and emails.

For people who live close to one of the major Wells Fargo centers where they are already prepared for the IQD (e.g., Miami, Atlanta, Dallas, Reno, San Francisco, Portland) it isn't as much of an issue,

but for folks who live in smaller communities and only have access to the mid-size and smaller branches, there is likely to be a "trickle-down" effect.

That means you'll likely experience a delay of perhaps anywhere from a week to a month before they will be on board with the exchange process.

Most of the WF branches, however, are already prepared to exchange the VND. The reason for this is because the IQD has been under sanctions, and banks have generally promoted a very negative position on it.

The VND, on the other hand, has been readily available and sold through many, if not most, banks.

That said, if you have VND, you'll find it much easier to exchange than the IQD during the first few weeks, and it can serve you well if you can hold out during the period of revaluation of the Dinar until it reaches its target RV rate.

Blessings on you.



DOJ: The Use of "Husband and Wife" is Now Hate Speech!!!!!!!

DOJ: The Use of "Husband and Wife" is Now Hate Speech!!!!!!!

Published on May 31, 2013
The DOJ crosses more boundaries by sending out a LGBT directive to managers on how to handle employees "coming out of the closet" at the office. 
They say the use of "husband" and "wife" is hateful to homosexuals in the office.
In the pamphlet it says silence is no longer an option, and they overtly step on the First Amendment rights of all straight employees. 
Since the DOJ is so hot and heavy to make sure everyone feels included, they should have a DOJ Whistleblowers and Truthseeker Pride Directive.

The best news money can buy

Subject: The best news money can buy

How objective is the news media?

Or should we just call the evening news
what it is: bought and sold corporate/government
propaganda with a sprinkling of total



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RV intel

[MarkZ] sandytob Actually there is a big reason that the USD could devalue and should. Lew and UST have a great plan to avoid it though as I understand it.

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ Hey, buddy. Glad you're hear.

 [MarkZ] Robertprofessor I thought I should visit before hitting the hay.

[mailboxmoney] MarkZ can we make money if we pay attention to the dollar falling and rising

[MarkZ] mailboxmoney yes but not a huge return.

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ At least hay is soft, even if the old expression doesn't make much sense today. lol Do you think it's a good idea after the CE to move a percentage to other currencies to protect against USD fluctuations?

[pat] MarkZ hi, i heard it's looking like tomorrow or this weekend...what have you heard
[MarkZ] pat hearing pretty close to that. Knowing what still has to be done though has me thinking monday or tuesday though. Greedy bankers have cost us another weekend if they don't get motivated asap. Everything really is going to happen though so what is a day or two in the big picture.

[FrenchTexan2] MarkZ Are these bankers going to be arrested?

 [sandytob] MarkZ hmmm....the part about the greedy bankers....that was on the nesara blog today....everyone told me not to pay attention....

 [sandytob] FrenchTexan2 I think they should be arrested and locked up in chains.

[FrenchTexan2] sandytob I would agree. But we seem to get allot of that and no arrests.

sandytob] FrenchTexan2 some might be being arrested behind the scenes imo.

 [MarkZ] FrenchTexan2 Most of the ones that face that have already been informed. This is more like when you make a big wire and the bank holds it as long as it can to maximize their dollars on it. Pretty stupid really.

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ Any comment on USD devaluation possibilities?

[MarkZ] Robertprofessor I am not worried. If you are heavily invested in paper you should have some concern but for the most part the USD will be fine I think.

 [sandytob] MarkZ at the very least they should be fired for holding up a global event!!!

[MarkZ] sandytob I think they should be tried for financial treason personally so they can be shot or hanged... :)

[FrenchTexan2] MarkZ Well that is low. So then no arrests and they just keep doing it?

[spiritfilled] MarkZ hey brother ...so now next week again huh???

[keiji] MarkZ is there a good chance we could get the e-mails before Mon/Tues?

 [RubyRed] I always heard that Weds were good

[sandytob] RubyRed day of week no longer matters we were told.

[childofgod] MarkZ Will 401K's be affected by this reset?

[MarkZ] childofgod I think they will be hit hard. That is not what I want to tell you but I believe it to be true. If we take all the inflation from naked shorts and artificially proped up paper out the market has to reset in a major way. Our USD is actually safer because of that.

[childofgod] MarkZ That's what I thought. I have been trying to warn others, but my words fall on deaf ears!

 [bigbear] MarkZ any chance of e-mails friday?????

 [MarkZ] bigbear Late Friday I think is possible if a lot happens tonight.

WCW] Everything has been done nothing is holding this up but a date and I assure u no one know s the date are the time that this will pop we just keep the faith cause it s coming so set back and let it come

[FrenchTexan2] MarkZ Just tired of bankers, judges etc. getting away with all kinds of crime. We had a judges wife cut in line at a bank out here. Some guy told her that is not right and she should get some manners. He was arrested.

[MarkZ] Hannah I am not a financial expert and you should ask an expert. All I can say is I went to cash some time ago in other currencies because I believe the market is on a bubble to sucker the small folks while the insiders run. just look at Buffet and Soro's. They are mostly out now

[burk50] MarkZ know about an announcement in Iraq tomorrow? Yhx

 [MarkZ] burk50 I have been knee deep in family time today and am behind in world news.

sandytob] MarkZ Where will you be? Don't know if SQ will be keeping this site open post RV. How will we find you??????

 [keiji] MarkZ when you say you think maybe Mon/Tues, I assume it's about cashout and not e-mails?

 [MarkZ] sandytob I am certain Recaps in some form will be around and OOM will stick around awhile. I have many dear friends there.

[MarkZ] KajunRedBull Most will not give one hoot post RV about what happened.

[wittsend] MarkZ Heard as general scuttlebutt. Wondering why?

[spiritfilled] MarkZ we have heard from some that the 3 baskets will be about 2-3 weeks apart each ...can you say anything about what you have heard in that area???

[MarkZ] spiritfilled That is exactly what I have heard.

 [MarkZ] wittsend to maximize how long they can trade on it before having to share the pie.

 [RubyRed] spiritfilled wow, that would be a triple scoop!

[sandytob] MarkZ I wonder if there have really been any arrests of any bankers?

 [MarkZ] sandytob I know of a few

 [keiji] MarkZ what's to prevent the banksters to doing it again?

 [MarkZ] keiji A nice fellow up north, his hatchet man and a pissed off CL

[childofgod] MarkZ Love that answer


[burk50] MarkZ so Okie may possibly have the final post this weekend?

[MarkZ] burk50 for his sake I am really hoping he gets that priviledge

[burk50] MarkZ thx have u talked to him is he doing ok since the storm

[MarkZ] burk50 I did not talk to him directly but was told he is good.

 [Mitzi] MarkZ I want to hear the whole story too at post RV, thank you kindly

 [keiji] MarkZ ty..so just to understand...we could possibly get the e-mail anytime after Friday night? IYO

[MarkZ] Mitzi welcome. If bankers try much more though I think I would be given the green light to take of the gloves and share it all before the reset. :)

[ModelWoman] Hope everyone of them go to Jail! MarkZ

 [MarkZ] ModelWoman or get shunned from the business world

tc0043] MarkZ Why is WF stalling?

 [MarkZ] tc0043 to trade our money and make money on it.

[candy] MarkZ would there be another option for group rate if WF keeps playing games?

[MarkZ] candy yes

Hannah] MarkZ There are many of us who really want the whole story. You surely don't want all of us calling you! lol Maybe we could all meet here for a few hours and you could share the story with us. Most of us are pretty invested in this.

[MarkZ] Hannah I will share here or do a few conference calls and bring some guest speakers who were involved in the reset. Their gags will be off by then.

[tc0043] MarkZ Will wf or UST have a decent investment for us to consider?

[MarkZ] tc0043 I believe so

[keiji] MarkZ I just don't see how CL, Lew China and others would allow a few greedy bankers to hold up a global reset.

MarkZ] keiji They aren't, it has called stalls but it will not change the end of the story.

[keiji] MarkZ I do beleive that but it sure does affect when the story ends....that's what makes me wonder why CL and Lew don't put the clamps down hard on these guys

MarkZ] keiji They have not had the lattitude for very long to do that but they are doing it now. CL in my opinion is as strong a woman as MT was and will deserve a great chapter in history.

 [MarkZ] If I have missed questions I apologize.

LINK to Part 2
[gotterdone] Marks r u hearing anything on Zymbabwe currency? Thanks

 [WEW] MarkZ ... Is the currencies in each basket accurate in Eagle's post... If you can say ...

 [MarkZ] gotterdone I personally like it. Great resources but I believe it will be in the first basket.

[WEW] [WEW] MarkZ ... Is the different currencies in each basket accurate in Eagle's post... If you can say ...

[MarkZ] WEW I did not read his post but I have found his info to be pretty knowledgable.

[~healthy3] MarkZ hello and thanks for all you do. I am a little confused now with all these problems at the bank. will any of you be able to guide us as to what isn't corrupt? It seems like there are changes daily

MarkZ] ~healthy3 I will give you my opinion after this. I like CL's take on the big banks now.... Which banks are too big to NOT fail..... I like that approach.
[firenice] MarkZ how long can the admin hold last before wf is forced to turn it loose?

[MarkZ] firenice a day or so I think at this point

[superbiz] MarkZ what is this admin hold ?

[MarkZ] superbiz I am not 100% sure it is them holding it but if it swims like a fish and smells like a fish it is probably a fish..

[ttimmo01] MarkZ do you no If the other banks that are participating in the C/E will have similar rates to WF?

[MarkZ] ttimmo01 I have heard that BOA and Chase will try to be as competitive.

[~healthy3] So is it still safe to keep our miney in the bank at CE time until we get all of our people in line like tax attorneys.

[MarkZ] ~healthy3 I believe it is safe

[Scotzgirl] MarkZ after CE will you share ideas of how to hedge against USD deflation?

[MarkZ] Scotzgirl yes

[gdsgrl21] MarkZ Hey there, thanks for coming by tonight! Question...do you know if the bank rate will be the same for everyone, or would it differ depending on how much your holding?

[MarkZ] gdsgrl21 I have been told all get the same rate. Knowing the real world though I expect the connected and whales will get more, maybe not a higher rate but more perks.

[wolverine7] MarkZ There's no more BOA's left in Arkansas, they were all bought out by Arvest..

[MarkZ] wolverine7 Good for Arkansas..... :)

[firenice] MarkZ your knowledge of this, as well as Jesters is incredible. for sharing and educating!

[MarkZ] firenice Jester is a nice guy to boot. He is one of the few intel guys I will call to just shoot the breeze with.

[Scotzgirl] MarkZ do you agree that WF will be offering a group rate unmatched by the other bank's street rate?..

[MarkZ] Scotzgirl We have been told that WF will have the top rate but of late I am hearing rumors that 2-3 of the other bigs will be allowed to be as competitive. I hope that is true. Competition keeps people honest. Like the 2nd admendmant keeps politicians honest...

[starbucksrules] MarkZ with it appearing that WF has allot of question marks around them at the moment.....is there any reason to start considering Chase or BoA instead?

[MarkZ] starbucksrules The first day or two post will tell us all we need to know about options.

[sandytob] MarkZ How can that be? Isn't WF the only one where the dinar will be sold to a third party?

[markZ] sandytob I have no idea how they could offer as much but we will see.

[misskitty05] MarkZ are you saying Chase and Citi might have their own third   party deals with the Chinese? 

[MarkZ] misskitty05 that is the rumor and is just a rumor as I see it.

[MarkZ] jack1977 the US will be what we make it after this.

sandytob] MarkZ and I thought that Chase and BOA were shakey banks.

[MarkZ] sandytob B3 will level the playing field and make them more stable.

[Scotzgirl] MarkZ could we even say the world will be what we make it after this? Too broad a statement?

[MarkZ] Scotzgirl I think we can say that

[Robertprofessor] MarkZ Above my pay grade ... for the time being.

[MarkZ] Robertprofessor not for much longer.

sananddan24] MarkZ will there be penalities for ce some vnd at another bank while waiting for appt at WF?

[MarkZ] sananddan24 I don't think so

[keiji] MarkZ Last broke weekend coming? :) :) :)

[MarkZ] keiji God I hope so!

[ wolverine7] MarkZ Will another bank, like Arvest, answer me if I ask them if they are B3, or will soon be??

MarkZ] wolverine7 they should

[bertprofessor] MarkZ Not a date/rate question but when do you think I can afford the high priced hooch?

[MarkZ] Robertprofessor great angle....

[snowwolfsdee] MarkZ any rumors for Canadian banks

[MarkZ] snowwolfsdee RBC is what I have been told

[MarkZ] snowwolfsdee but you should move south.....

[candy] MarkZ awhile back you gave me some numbers on the IQD and VND (wont repeat inhere) do they still look to be in that vacinity?

[MarkZ] candy yes

[ttimmo01] MarkZ, let's just say I cashed a few notes prior to my appointment, will the rate I recieved at the first bank apply to the next one, due to the fincen form?

[MarkZ] ttimmo01 I do not think so. Remember they WANT and NEED your dinar for oil for gas credits. You are the customer here.

[ranger5] MarkZ any chance for this weekend?

[MarkZ] ranger5 I don't think to excahnge. For instructions it is possible

[sandytob] MarkZ well instructions and appointments....the first steps.

[MarkZ] sandytob at least then things are known and can be planned. The peace of mind will be tremendous for us all.

[firenice] MarkZ will exchanging a few notes at another bank void the group rate at wf?

[MarkZ] firenice Could but I doubt it

[tc0043] MarkZ I have heard that the group rate is a multiple of the bank rate, is that what you are hearing too?

[MarkZ] tc0043 yes

[MarkZ] tc0043 and I hope it is true.

[bandit] MarkZ So a $ 3.00 w/b 9?????

[MarkZ] bandit are you trying to sucker me in...?

[tc0043] MarkZ I have heard as high as 4 to 5 times. Have you heard that too?

[MarkZ] tc0043 I shouldn't comment

[MarkZ] ezmuny I think the PTB would be on my doorstep. Bad enough I have to watch my calls and emails. We gave away too much of our own freedom post 911

[mynewt] Mark Z maybe we should tell wf.we are not going to use them now for holding this up

[MarkZ] mynewt if they stall any longer that is exactly what we should tell them.


GHW Bush - INTERVIEW Banned In USSA - Wonder Why...

From: v.k.d.
Subj: WITH VIDEOS. GHW Bush - INTERVIEW Banned In USSA - Wonder Why...

GHW Bush - INTERVIEW Banned In USSA - Wonder Why...
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 31-May-2013 11:59:39

Junior - Not the first and not the last in a long line of useless political parasites - some refer to as 'leaders' - gets his fantasies handed to him by Irish interviewer...

Uploaded on Nov 8, 2010

Found on Irish TV... Banned in the USA...

George Bush does his best to stop the tough questions from rebuttal.

It is common practice for the news station to provide a list of questions and potential questions to the President.

On every single rebuttal question the interviewer asks, George Bush cuts her short, and they never return to her real questions.


http://bit.ly/cWcOSE ~ Abu Ghraib Abuse Photos
http://bit.ly/bebO4N ~ ABU GHRAIB Torture & Prisoner Abuse
http://bit.ly/cGDbw6 ~ The Bush Administration's Response To ABU GHRAIB
http://bit.ly/cNBxX9 ~ GEORGE SR-NEW WORLD ORDER
http://bit.ly/9rNyCH ~ Bush Gets Caught In His Own Lie

Finding The Humor
http://bit.ly/cEzYZb ~ 8 Years Of 'Bushisms'
http://bit.ly/cibeys ~ george bush is funny
http://bit.ly/9Eedjb ~Must See Hilarious Bush Bloopers!
http://bit.ly/d8FiAT ~ George W Bush - American Idiot
http://bit.ly/ani4zI ~ George W. Bush screw ups

Americans voted Jr. into office TWICE.

When he came into office the country had a HUGE surplus.

Eight years later we were TRILLIONS of dollars in dept.


BANNED INTERVIEW with George Bush Jr. US President

Thanks To Youtuber: Dan K Schroeder


Uploaded on Feb 19, 2009

American Morning takes a look at the best of so-called "Bushisms." Videos put together by CNN of stupid quotes Bush had said for 8 years.

More quotes from a 'brilliant' mind :-)

...and he was the president...

Thanks To: Pellegrino80

Best of the Bushisms


Tremaine McMillian, 14-Year-Old With Puppy, Choked By Miami-Dade Police Over 'Dehumanizing Stares' (VIDEO)

Tremaine McMillian, 14-Year-Old With Puppy, Choked By Miami-Dade Police Over 'Dehumanizing Stares' (VIDEO)

What did Karen Hudes blow the whistle on?

Who is Karen Hudes?

Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She established the Non Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association.

What did Karen Hudes blow the whistle on?

In 2007 Karen warned the US Treasury Department and US Congress that the US would lose its right to appoint the President of the World Bank if the current American President of the World Bank did not play by the rules. The 66 year old Gentlemen’s Agreement that Europe would appoint the Managing Director of the IMF and US would appoint the World Bank President ended in 2010http://www.imf.org/external/np/cm/2010/042510.htm
In 1999 Karen reported the corrupt take-over of the second largest bank in the Philippines. Lucio Tan, a crony of Joseph Estrada, then President of the Philippines, acquired stock owned by government employees in Philippines National Bank (“PNB”) valued more than 10% of PNB’s outstanding capital without disclosure, as required by Philippines securities laws. Tan owned Philippines Airlines, in default on its loans from PNB. The government of the Philippines loaned $493 million to PNB after PNB’s depositors made heavy withdrawals. $200 million of a loan from the World Bank and a $200 million loan from Japan were cancelled. Estrada was ultimately impeached, and in 2007 an anti-corruption court in the Philippines required Estrada to refund graft he had plundered. The Bank’s Country Director in the Philippines reassigned Karen when she asked him to sign a letter warning the Philippines’ government that the Bank could not disburse its loan without a waiver from the Board of Executive Directors since the loan conditionality was not met. The World Bank’s Internal Audit Department refused to correct the satisfactory evaluation of the Bank’s supervision performance or the flawed report of the Institutional Integrity Department to the Audit Committee of the Board of Executive Directors. When the Audit Committee requested an audit of internal controls over financial reporting, KPMG, the external auditors, circumscribed the scope of their audit in violation of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Generally Accepted Auditing Standards.
Two days after informing the Board’s Audit Committee of the cover-up in the Philippines, Karen was reprimanded and placed on probation. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested the World Bank’s Audit Committee to look into the cover- up. Instead, the Chair of the World Bank’s Audit Committee requested an inquiry into the World Bank’s Institutional Integrity Department. The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations followed up with three letters to the World Bank. The World Bank forged documents and fired Karen in contempt of Congress. The World Bank also fired the Staff Association’s lawyer. The Staff Association stated that what had happened to Karen had damaged staff morale and prevented others from reporting misconduct. The World Bank’s Ethics’ Officer left in frustration after her request for an investigation by the World Bank’s Institutional Integrity Department was turned down.
Mr. Paul Volcker headed the 2007 inquiry into the Institutional Integrity Department. The Volcker Panel was discredited after sixteen staff employed in the Institutional Integrity Department received significant damage awards in compensation for abuses of authority to intimidate them during the Volker Panel investigation. A staff-member of the EU’s anti-fraud agency, Office Lutte Anti-Fraude, on the Volcker Panel wrote to Karen:
“My Director General and I met with a number of European Executive Directors of the World Bank a few weeks ago to discuss the Volcker Panel report. At the meeting there was also discussion about governance issues. My impression was that the European Executive Directors are well apprised of all relevant issues at the Bank and no further comment by OLAF is warranted even if it was within our legal competence.”
Karen informed Senator Bayh, “[t]he ongoing cover-up is an indictment of the probity of US oversight at the Bank and I would encourage the Senate to request GAO to look into it.” Senators Richard Lugar, Evan Bayh and Patrick Leahy requested GAO to investigate “internal resistance to increased transparency and accountability at the World Bank.” http://citizenoversight.com/pdf/blwb.pdfIn 2008 Karen’s Congressman, Representative Chris Van Hollen, noted “that [Karen's] claims and concerns have already been provided to the GAO…. and to the relevant congressional committees.” In 2009 GAO stated that it could not commence the inquiry “because of challenges we recently faced in gaining access to World Bank officials.” Senator Lugar asked what was delaying the GAO review during hearings on the World Bank’s capital increase.
Mr. Pieter Stek, then Executive Director for the Netherlands, and Chair of the Board Committee on Development Effectiveness, said:
“In a multilateral institution which should be governed by the rule of law and high standards of probity the charge of concealment from the Board of Executive Directors of information relevant to the exercise of its duty of supervising management and the persecution of the person who brings this to light is extremely serious. If correct, which I believe, this poisonous cocktail undermines good governance and ultimately the effectiveness of the Bank in fulfilling its mandate. I shall continue to assist Ms. Hudes in her efforts to have due process brought to bear, preferably by the Bank itself, on these issues of governance.”
David Brooks wrote:
“Then there are violations, when someone intentionally breaks the rules. Errors can be very hard for outsiders to detect. It was people inside the companies who were most likely to report fraud, because they have local knowledge. And yet 80 percent of these whistleblowers regret having reported the crimes because of the negative consequences they suffered. This is not the way to treat people who detect error.” http://brooks.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/06/13/living-with-mistakes/?comments#permid=34

Holder's Seat Burning Hot Following Press Revolt, Perjury Accusations

When Barack Obama first nominated Eric Holder for the position of Attorney General, Judicial Watch was outspoken in its criticism. In fact,
take a look at a letter we sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee opposing the nomination at the time.

Mr. Holder's record demonstrates a willingness to bend the law in order to protect his political patrons. On his watch at the Clinton Justice Department, the pardon process was upended and corrupted by a pay to play mentality. This undermined, in the least, the appearance of the fair administration of justice by the Justice Department. Mr. Holder is the wrong person to head the Department of Justice.

I wish I could tell you we were wrong. But, after four years of some of the most egregious scandals in the history of the country - many of them originating from within the nation's highest law enforcement agency - our words have proven prophetic. From Fast and Furious to the Black Panthers to encouraging voter fraud this has been the most corrupt Department of Justice (DOJ) in modern U.S. history.

And now, in the wake of a scandal in which the DOJ collected the private email correspondence of reporters, seized their phone records and tracked their movements as part of an investigation of leaks, Eric Holder has lost his biggest defender - the press itself.

Last week you will recall that President Obama directed Eric Holder to meet with the Washington, D.C., bureau chiefs of major news outlets to discuss the administration's subpoena policies. The move was a clear attempt by Obama to change a narrative that had done significant damage to the White House.

But when the administration announced those discussions would be off the record, the wheels came off the wagon. Per CNN:

Attorney General Eric Holder's plans to sit down with media representatives to discuss guidelines for handling investigations into leaks to the news media have run into trouble.

The Associated Press issued a statement Wednesday objecting to plans for the meetings to be off the record. If it is not on the record, AP will not attend and instead will offer our views on how the regulations should be updated in an open letter, said Erin Madigan White, The AP's media relations manager.

The New York Times is taking the same position. It isn't appropriate for us to attend an off-the-record meeting with the attorney general, executive editor Jill Abramson said in a statement.

CNN announced in the article that it would also decline, along with The Huffington Post. As of this writing only Politico signaled its intent to participate.

Making matters worse for Holder, news of the press revolt came at a time when House Republicans sent a letter to the attorney general expressing 'great concern' about the possibility that Holder lied under oath during his testimony earlier this month on the DOJ's seizing of journalists' records.

According to
CBS News:

On May 15, Holder told the committee he wasn't involved in the potential prosecution of a member of the press under the Espionage Act for disclosing classified information. This is not something I've ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy, he said.

Shortly thereafter, reports began to surface that the Justice Department, in addition to seizing telephone and email records of Associated Press reporters, had seized the emails and phone records of Fox News correspondent James Rosen. While Holder had recused himself from the AP proceedings, the Washington Post reported that the attorney general had personally signed off on the search warrant for Rosen's records.

In the search warrant, the FBI called Rosen a criminal co-conspirator and suggested there's probable cause that he violated federal law. Rosen was not charged with any crime.  I don't see how one could reasonably parse Holder's statement as accurate or forthcoming. 

The Daily Caller
reported this week that Attorney General Eric Holder felt a creeping sense of personal remorse, aides say, after it was revealed that the DOJ had seized Rosen's emails.

I wonder if Barack Obama has experienced a creeping sense of personal remorse for installing Holder in office.

As I say, this is not the first time Holder has been accused of lying, or best case scenario, artfully testifying before Congress.

On March 1, 2011,
Holder testified to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies: The decisions made in the New Black Panther Party case were made by career attorneys in the department. And beyond that, you know, if we're going to look at the record, let's look at it in its totality.

Not true. In a July 23 ruling, Judge Reggie B. Walton of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
ruled in response to Judicial Watch's effort to obtain attorneys' fees from the DOJ for stonewalling the release of documents pertaining to the NBPP scandal:

The documents reveal that political appointees within DOJ were conferring about the status and resolution of the New Black Panther Party case in the days preceding the DOJ's dismissal of claims in that case, which would appear to contradict Assistant Attorney General Perez's testimony that political leadership was not involved in that decision. Surely the public has an interest in documents that cast doubt on the accuracy of government officials' representations regarding the possible politicization of agency decisionmaking.

Holder has a demonstrated record of dishonesty and contempt for the rule of law.  He is the poster child for Obama corruption.  Judicial Watch has been pushing an effort to Dump Holder for some time now.  I suggest you support this effort and echo it with your elected representatives, your personal networks, and the media.  We, in the meantime, will continue to battle Holder's DOJ lawyers in court to get information on the details of lawlessness in order to hold him accountable.

These are troubled times for the country. With approximately one-third of congressional committees investigating scandals inside the Obama administration, Judicial Watch's work is more important now than ever. And that is why I am pleased to report a bit of good news as we seek to expose the truth about Washington corruption - which did not begin (and will not end) with the Obama administration. Read on...

JW's Hard-Hitting Documentary District of Corruption to Broadcast Nationally on June 17, 2013 on AXS TV

This morning
I was on Fox and Friends to announce a wonderful development for Judicial Watch's public education mission. In just a few weeks, we are going to take another major leap forward in exposing the truth about Obama corruption - and DC corruption generally - to the American people.

On June 17, 2013, our hard-hitting feature documentary film District of Corruption will receive its national television premiere at 8:00 p.m. ET, with an encore performance at 11:00 p.m., on the
AXS TV network, reaching 41 million households. Additionally, HDNet Movies will air the documentary this fall.

Our film, you may recall, is written and directed by award-winning filmmaker Stephen K. Bannon, the writer/director of Occupy Unmasked and the Sarah Palin film The Undefeated. It is produced in association with Constant Motion Entertainment and co-produced by Dan Fleuette.

(District of Corruption is a companion piece to my New York Times best-selling book,
The Corruption Chronicles, Obama's Big Secrecy, Big Corruption, and Big Government, which was released in July 2012 by Simon & Schuster's Threshold Editions.)

As I say, the film's television premiere comes at a time of increased public attention to corruption scandals inside the Obama administration.

Benghazi-gate, the Department of Justice and IRS scandals are grabbing the headlines. They represent the latest examples of the D.C. corruption crisis. But anyone who wants to truly understand the truth about this and more must look behind today's headlines. And that is why our film is so important.

District of Corruption is the most sweeping attempt to date to examine political corruption - in both political parties. And make no mistake; this film is as factual and compelling a film on this out-of-control Obama administration as you will see. We are grateful to our partners at AXS TV for providing a platform to reach and educate millions of Americans.

AXS TV Chairman Mark Cuban, for his part, believes the film will certainly be a conversation starter: "There is an enormous amount of public interest in the subject of political corruption, so I'm confident that District of Corruption will find an audience on our network.  The film is dynamic and unsparing of politicians all across the board.  District of Corruption is bound to get Americans talking."

The film chronicles Judicial Watch's epic battles against corruption through three presidential administrations (Clinton, Bush, Obama), focusing most intensely on the current administration's scandals, including: Operation Fast and Furious; crony capitalism; Solyndra and other "green energy" projects; federal bailouts and earmarks; ACORN and voter fraud; illegal alien amnesty; and threats to the integrity of the 2012 elections; as well as new attacks on government transparency and accountability.

The film traces the arc of government corruption and secrecy from the Clinton administration through the Bush years to the current corruption and transparency crises of the Obama years.

"We decided from the outset that we could not and would not pull a single punch in making this film," said District of Corruption Director Stephen K. Bannon. "To play favorites or to avoid naming names would have completely undermined our objective. This film goes far beyond high-adrenaline, emotionally compelling entertainment. This is about saving our institutions of government from the corruption and cronyism that threatens their existence. We intend to initiate a seismic shift in the public policy and cultural landscape."

I will be sure to keep you up to date on the broadcast days and times for District of Corruption as best I can in this space. But be sure to check the film website frequently for updates (
www.DistrictOfCorruptionMovie.com). And to see the latest trailer, click here.

Amnesty:  Politics Before the Public's Safety

It started as a dirty little secret several years ago. Frustrated by opposition to amnesty legislation, the Obama administration bypassed Congress and enacted a backdoor scheme to bypass Congress and enact illegal alien amnesty via executive fiat. That's when phrases such as, "selective deportation," entered the administration's lexicon.

But that was before Barack Obama sailed back into the White House catching a mighty tailwind from minority voters, especially Hispanics.

Now there is no need to bypass Congress. The so-called "Gang of Eight" in the U.S. Senate, including four Republicans, has given birth to the most sweeping amnesty bill in three decades - reform that will certainly worsen the illegal immigration crisis.

Does the immigration "reform" bill provide
amnesty for illegal aliens? For certain. It may be clothed in the now-common euphemistic phrase path to citizenship, but the bottom line here is that the 11 million+ illegal aliens in the country can first (and perhaps most importantly) become legalized and, then, after 13 years, citizens without ever leaving the country. 

"Essentially, [the immigration reform bill] is the most breathtaking, outrageous form of amnesty that's been seriously considered by the United States Congress, House or Senate in any time that I'm aware of throughout history,"
Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King toldNewsmax.

Are there
loopholes in the mammoth 844-page bill? Yes, and you can drive a truck through them. For example, as currently constructed, the bill would allow those who came to the U.S. illegally to collect cash assistance, food stamps and health care benefits long before they earn a green card and a pathway to citizenship, notes The Washington Examiner. Given the state of our sorry economy, such policies are terribly unwise.

And what about border security
?  Legalization comes before border security. The timing of border security measures has been left to the subjective, amorphous discretion of the Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, according to Texas Senator Ted Cruz.  So amnesty first, and border security perhaps never.

Despite its deficiencies, the amnesty bill passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee without significant changes. It is now set for debate on the Senate floor. And Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) says he has the votes.

The Daily Caller:

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid believes he has the 60 votes necessary to overcome a filibuster and pass the Senate immigration reform bill.

In an interview Tuesday with the Nevada public affairs program To the Point, Reid explained that marshaling enough support to pass the legislation, which came out of committee last week, would be pretty easy.

Reid then did the math. He has 52 Democrats and four Republicans in his camp, needing only four more votes for passage, which he predicts he will easily acquire. 

Now even if Reid is correct, there is still the matter of the House of Representatives. House Republicans have said the Senate bill
would not stand a chance in their chamber. Instead, they say, the House will craft a bill of its own addressing many of the failings of the Senate version.

While we applaud the progress made by our Senate colleagues, there are numerous ways in which the House will approach the issue differently, the Republican leaders said in their statement. The House remains committed to fixing our broken immigration system, but we will not simply take up and accept the bill that is emerging in the Senate if it passes. Rather, through regular order, the House will work its will and produce its own legislation.

But I ask you this: How confident are you that the Republican Party will demonstrate the courage necessary to do the right thing? Haven't we seen Republicans cave before on key issues in the name of political expediency? To hear talk of voter demographics within Republican circles as a justification for granting amnesty to illegal aliens is extremely disturbing.

This is the time to make your voice heard. The U.S. Senate will consider the bill in the next few weeks.  The phone number for the Capitol Hill switchboard is 202-224-3121.  And
here's a link to a site where you can find the contact information for every U.S. Senator. 

Of course, Judicial Watch will persevere no matter what happens on Capitol Hill.  We have a number of active lawsuits over sanctuary policies that aid and abet illegal immigration. 
Our investigations in this area are legion (see this link for an overview of our efforts on this crucial issue).  Our nation's illegal immigration crisis won't be resolved by Washington politicians.  It will be resolved by citizens, acting individually and through groups like Judicial Watch, that demand that laws be followed. 

Until next week...

Tom Fitton