Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

Parents And Grandparents -- Never Forget The Three Things Your Children Need Most In Any Crisis

Parents And Grandparents -- Never Forget The Three Things Your Children Need Most In Any Crisis
Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 5-Jun-2013 09:53:37
I Have a hunch that we are all going to tey hard to remember this----
1. Confidence:
When something bad or scary happens, your kids need to see a mom who is holding her head high with confidence, knowing that, somehow, everything will be fine. You may need to fake it, but confidence is contagious.
“If Mom says we’re going to be okay, then we’re going to be okay!”
You’ll see your kids straighten their backs and a gleam of resolution come into their eyes. They may not know exactly how all the pieces will fall into place, and you might not either, but with confidence you can move forward and tackle the impossible. Together.
2. Courage
“Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson
I love that quote so much that I included it in my book.
Fear depletes us of strength, but courage is energizing. It emboldens us to look past our current circumstances and know that we can tackle whatever comes. Your kids need to see that courage in your eyes. Just like confidence, it’s contagious.
3. Comfort
Confidence and courage do a lot to comfort our children, but there’s nothing like a hug or a soft lap for cuddling. Gentle words, a kiss on the cheek, gathering the whole family together in a group hug — kids need that when they’re scared and when the world as they know it has fallen apart.
Moms, no matter what has happened or what you’re going through, don’t overlook your child’s need for comfort that can only come from you. A hug from grandma or a neighbor just isn’t the same.
The really cool thing about comforting a child is that you are comforted in return. That’s the payback, and it’s worth it.

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